* melooe n Ea.......... achmaminf Solo--Trmst in the Lord........ HandÇl Jeromne Nevins Oferoy-nmne .........West PotludeZ -,Pr a lud 11......... c The Wonans* sôciety -will. meet. on Thursday afternoon of thf. week at the churchat 2 'clock.' Our two mforning. services are for your convenlence. The early service enbles those wlshlng to worshlp before their day's outing thi privýlege. Attend church regularlyr during the summner months. The church sèhool-wilI convene through- out the. summermonths at 9:35 o'clock. There are classes for ail. *Next week. August 8-13- the pastor wlfl attend .the mtchool for nàstori con. &qitist Ckurch Wlmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor w g I I I 1fl,.,nncn fl Lord .... .MefldelssOlm ce Farrar The Nursery for small. eblidrenl is main- tained durlng. the worphip service through.- out the summer. The Third Annual Rock, River Con- ference Summner Retreat wil be held at Coflege Camp, Lake Geneva, the week-end of Septemàber 2, 3. 4 and 5. Our own. minister will speak at the Sunday. evening service. FirstCon gregational'> Wilmette and Lake avenue. Dr. John. G. Hindley, minister The union services. with Wimette Bap-> b the. high religlous implications of SOld Testament. )r. flindley ta on vacation in Canada. stcr Ailison will be happy to render toral service to those of either con- ýgation, or of no affiliation at ail. Ado>t Suggestion by_ Postmaster 0O'Connelil Trhe. Post Office departmeht at' Washington recently -sent to the postmpsters of 46,000- first class of- fices a request for suggestions for prornoting greater use of postal fac- ilities. Out of the replies the department seiected about two dozen sugges- tions which it bas pass.ed on to al nosnRlastWer for adption in the cani- "I find that nowadays the chil- dren educate the parents and flot vice versa as tised to be the case.. If each postmaster would speak at all of the schools on tic subject of 'niail service,' explaining the fune-, tions of each of tie different bran- ches, he would firnd . . . lie could )ieal high - ficee-and1 ihnlica- The order of service at 8:15 and Jil advantage; -o'clock wlll include the following: had more n a, vaca- Prelude- happy to Andantino............. Cesar Franck than 'throu flock. Offertory-Intermezzo.......... Rogers vertising.' meet on The Sermon- rregular -Abba, Father!"........ Romans 8:15 E. Thomp- Postlude Fantasia.............. Bach E Mrs. RM ,arn a cal other KXPEPTEDMOMIEf MI81 Ivg Pm*tRend gee* 107 JiatNest ot Banla Safe Tan 01l ........... IDGE AVE. PHARMACI 901 Ridge Rd. WiL 31 DRUS CO. W1I. 400 i iChar post of- e great 1 have s off ice of ad-