.J/m~azin~ Il ~acL '<Ujear anci UaL6 Paq, Cft6- M.Pèrsing has been renew-ý C. L. Perig. ing; old acquaint- anceships on his stay here. Hle plans to remain here until the end o! the week bel ore returning to the academy. Wilmette Man Designs New Chicago Street Map The Fred Wild company has juist1 published a- new. black and white,I double indixed st-re e t map of Chicago, printed per cent. - . Dovermuehle sales for the ftrst hall of the cuir- rent year ex- Sceeded those of 'the tirst 'hall of 1937, the previ-, ous peak period,. by, 9.1 per cent., T. A. Bauner Fiegures u s e d li comnputn& thevolume of both purchases and sales, according to Theodore A. Buenger of Wmnnetka, president of the pioneer mortgage ftrm, hav.ebeen based entirely On cash transactions. TChe only mort- gages considered as purchases were thoýe - which had actually been re- corded. The only transactions con- Sportswear 704 Ghurch Street There is thst makes You driv CQIege Shop 714 Ghurcli Street AT -TUCIINY' ani atinospiiere of. friendliness at Techny your golf gaine doubly enjoyable. down the middle par four . .. then f rom the Club another with a was 1937, ,dby sec- been kthe L Fred Wild not made hereto- ýonstri are n Shoe Store t cnsqeamynge mni.a anenni nes thedrigte eod afof last year. ,dre's hoestoe iWe an, therefore, anticipate at this under his name Itime that the current year will be on August 15. at the largest in our history. 1516 Sherman, F.H.A. Loans Lead avenue, Evans-'. The greatest gain we experien-ced ton, at G rov effinany single type of lending durmng stet M h current year," Mr. Buenger corne Pj". C., Weimner Kenilworth, ier et their You'li enjoy your vacation mnore...you'll thri1 to A uguist pleasurs...if you choose Beach Wear and Play Ciothes in this clear- ~ance s4 reot, sa'u»gs f or you.!