a portage tripi Canada'. ney' haýve been gone a month. HILLCREX'cST FOR GIRLS Over quarter oentury successful expert- ence wlth Junior girls. Accredited prep- aration for Hlgh School or Academny. Charming home life free from clty dis- tractions. Music. Dancing. Dramatica. French. Sports. Convenhent to Chicag«o. Catalog SARAH M. DAVISON, Box 4-A, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. CRANIROOX SCHOOL Aise pot-gradÙateObcur e. Unlual onportunhim in b For catlsog addresa Reglstm oUx IL. 19. lenuier Han, Keneskm, WIS& [Pafronie Our Advertlser i Distinctive Endord Prc>aratory Seho.ol fer B'o>', Grades 7, 8 and i agk Schoi Exceptionally b.autii, complet., mg t, Craite, -n,f, eiencoe. obhiel çpan Bay Livie--deck (james and sports in~ the daytime-dancing and Cataloëra Col. J. W Bittinger. Comnnt.7Box cabaret in the evening. Wrhat,,essenitially, is the .most unique'trligcatr nBits,~rnh ~ 4« gM feature of a seven-day cruise on the o n mncnhstr..Mdad Great Lakes? Is it the visiting of Ontario, Canada, with its sacred L ** ports with histoÉical background- Jesuit Martyrs' Shrine, a haUowed on heSe . o NO the gorgeous scenery enroute-the memorial to nine of the eleven NorthseeSO T M NE healthful breezes-the calm restful- Arnerican Saints .andmore than StopsE with fls1 * madi MOUS1 ru* ac Island, cene..ofJ à