Dipper leg Ttiub KAEHLER'S GGAGE SHOP. meS Ave. Ev.mstem UNIversify r567 ~wliefree'O~aUspendiflg is very rmucih in vogue and, ii t2 customary political, practice to brand ail wlo emiphasize goverfl- ment econorny as reactioflaries or die-liard consiervativeS.. I do.not believe anyr one can say thlat Gov.. Herbert IL. Leian. is a reactioniary. His record as Demlo- cratic liead. Of the Empire State is, 1not tliat of a conservative. Certain- ly lielias not >contended for tlie "status quoi" Nor is lis phulosoPli that of -laissez-faire." On.tlie con-. trary, he lias shown himxself -to be intensely interested in tlie imnprove-; ment of social conditions. Ris ad-1 mvinitratifln has been, extremely ing. Wlate er else one mnay'tIhink of Governior Lehmn'5 adiistration, it, will liave to be, said lie lias made New York state fingncially sound. [t' liastakent a will and courage. it took hlm f ive years to wipe out tlie debt lie inberited. I liesitate to im.ragine -tlie great will and courage and length> oi time tliat will be ite-. uired to ipe out tlie accumlJlatilig duibts o! the Federal Admfinistration, wliicl seemns. to belleve -tiat «"liber-. alismn" ieans "liberalitY" 'With thie people' srnoney. ark of! "liberal- with which one r.He apparent- ment expe nditures in tnese words: "Taxs are paxd in the sweat. of évery- man who labors because tlieY are a burden on production and are paîd througli production.. . They pay in deductions froîn wages-n increased, cost of wliat they buy, or -as now-in broad_ unemploymeflt Operaf.4 by frvleg Prk YMCA 4251 Irvbsg Pek Ivd. h. pENmeo@ 1070 31 Nortà Shore Boys arc. Noue Eaiis aga a Seb.lerthlp Awosld Miss RoamuZ Therea4n 1I O n the ' o rner nan a, t he r ~ee a e o airodIL I PV IW jL u ct1io, U m mUt vi IIbudget 15' beconfg more and more .Normandy." out o! balance. The public debt is Si a ebro h rnl ltrapidly approachiflg 40 bilIHOn,ý t and Sciblers clubs, and of thie glue h& ben estixnated that for the frst club, opera group, aùd $'ecoe" two weeks of this month the Federal staff (thie uchools yearbok). met &bd s6" .sui» ve, thi 'is tlie-