New Trier "Echoes." 'The other is Miss Mariko Ishiguro, a house guest of Mr. and Mru. John il. Weddefl,- 834 Sheridan. road, Glen- coe, who was editor-lh"-chief of "The Uces9y year book of Milton Eigh school in Milton, Pa. Miss Ishiguro, a Japanese, was born in this country and has been to her .father's home- .land just once for a summer vaca- tion. Completely Americanized both in dress and education, she bas made s <hlati ad activities recordsa Milton .High schol "'Very petit i stature and mnod- est i matiner, a quotatiôn from ciation, arcliery, voleybali, and the work of. editing the school news,- ,and thée "Echoes." Was Acconipanist She served as a ccompanit for the miked chorus, and at commrence- ment time gave one of the four student addresses. Mr. and Mrs. Weddell went east to see their young guest graduate i June. The two familles have long been acquainted. ,Mr. Ishiguro's business i this country is portiait photograpby, and more recentiy he has been engaged in making colored. motion 'picturies of. operations performeéd in, hospitals- A Returu en $6.00O Ivestd MnftIy, 5years 7 yr. 4 fmo. lyears 13 yr. 3 Mo. I 5years- 20 yea rs *Total Accumulation, *paid in total1 $ 300 $ 327.13 440 500.00 ~ 600 716.40 795 1002.00* 900 1180.15 1200 -1732.68 * Plus, BONUS. vings Conservatiýve savers and inestors ind this long. term, "" sav- 1098 bais way to provide ample funds for the future. Note' hou' $5 a month accumuldatea by this plan. icing the concer faithj FIRST FIDERAL $AVINGS l".* ASSOCIATION 0F WILME17E Charsered and Sotper isel uni or #à# Unitud Stalos G.*'vaaui 115S WIImette Avenue Telophe WII..t. 1623 Corne Out to the ""BIT 0F HAWAII" On the. North Shore.. ich me: been fully.