footers; and A class, Up to 39 teet.> Next Saturday and. Sunday several North Shore boat owners will take' part ýin. the Lake Michigan yachting association regatta to,.be, sponsored by the Racine yacht club.' SHEUIDAN SHORE On Saturday alternoon. the third race of the five eélimfination races was held to determine the three best star class boats% in the club's niem- bership. Onie of these three will jour- ney to the International star class chamipionshîp races to be hield in California durinýy.the third week -in September. The other twvo i i par- ticipate in, the star class Great lakes championships to be held at Sheri-, Star Class-Saturday Afternoon-10 Miles Boat--Owner ?Ine Twin Star-L. 'M. Pirie......... 2:20:10 Dolphin-E. Raymond......... 2:25:18 Sagitta-C. &c W. Bradbury... 2:27:28 Other boats in finishin,« order were: "Fram," 'Littie Audrey," "Carol,", "Stargazer," "Glider," "Ari- el," "Snort," and "Skipit' (disquali- fied). ji," "Stargazer" Ariel,'" and "Neo,*" (did not finish) and "Glider," (djd hlot finish).. To this point the scores are as fol- lows: Boat-Owner Points Twin Star-L. M. Pirie ............ 71 Dolphn-E. Raymond ............. 68 Astersk-W. & R. Otter ........... 65 Sun<lay Aterneon- Second Red Series Race . 5 Miles el o comPetei, ii;. j -mpà ru'