Conimittees for the Town and Country Equestrian association's annuald horse show have j.ust beên., organized by the Mary Crane, league whôse membership in-. cludes women from Lake Forest oni the north to Chicago on' the, south. The hustling cha1rpmen and the committees thev bead, as announeed by Mrs. W. Vandervort Gathany. preuident of the Mary Crane league,> are as followg: Mrs. Smith William Storey of Ken- ilworth, ueneral chairmàn: Mrs. Indian. i1111club won, al singles matches and, the. first of two doubles, matches,, Sunday, to reach: second place In the North Shore Inter-lub> Tennis league. This coming Sunday Indian Hill will rneet the Evanston Country- club which is leading the league. 'AI Winston, Jeffreys Short, Jr.,ý and Ned Brown played in the singles matches for Indian Hill Sunday, and Francis and. James Stanton, Bud Baird, and. Chuck Goodrich in the doubles. Their opponents were -fromn Exmoor ., co-chair- Sof Evans- ward Kerr J Mrs. M. y have season. players from SP and the Next supper Hill, and is suffici number of or- the Town and sociation horse tnone of them rto share the Mary Crane C. IREv'ip" montn auring the summer. The next regular club dinner diance wiIl be héld Saturday night, August 13. Saturday afternoon of this week a buffet luncheon will again be served followed by bridge, for the women and golf for the mien. The even.t wilI be medal play handicap for eighteen holes. For the -second Çasion Of its 'next--meeting August 8i at 1 'lok WJLMBTT Li.FB 1. UL