Wulch the construction of our DEMONSTRATION HOME on Chipp.wa Lin. 1150 WiImete Ave., Phone WiI. 4490 Murphy, who took titie for an un- disclosed purchaser. It consists of 208.76 acre s improved. with a three story red tiled; roof brick residence of 14 rooms and brick barn equipped for, riding horses; also a frame tenant house and regular farm buildings., The property is locàted across the road west from the former Samuel Insuil,,Jr., farm estate now owned, by Irving S. Florsheim. Elmer E. Stults of Elmer -E Stults, Inc., represented Richard D. McMahon, the seller, and Frànklin Eulette of Elmore Real Estate Im- provement. company, represented EugentŽ E. Murphy, the buyer. The, first, an, eight-room single family .- residence, with a built-mn- tWo-car, garage, was designied for Daniel Boone. by White and, Weber. The Býteman C onstruction1 com- pany,ý Chicago, is the builder, and the house will be erected, on pro- perty at 240 Locust road. E.stimn- ated cost is, $23,1000. HemphiII Home C. A. Hemphill is the owner of the second home, an eight-room single family dwelling with built-in two- car garage at 976, Private, road. Raymhond, F. Houlihan *,as the arch- itect, and C. A. Hlemphill an~d assoé- iates arýe the builders. The cost of the building is' $21,000. this .at i LUS week rgan Yost r wiietteis me arenitect ana. Joe Braun the contractor. '*0.. INC. A brick and glass greenhouse' add- Aittonlng ition to New Trier Township High sService school, costing $1,000. Lord and and Burnhamn of Des Plaines were the ERS STOKERS architects. STOREM Alterations and additions to Mrs. Iuiet~ ~ Leonard Peterson's home at 687 township was well Dei0w Urisk Jn of this year, and.under the phetin- enal corresponding period in 1937, statistics show that the industry held Up well. In al, ý$1b,970 in. various kinds of new c'-onstruction was authorized,. andci of thisý $124»90 was in- new homes. Winnetka wasý in, first place., with total building :of ý$98,350 and Wilmette. had $54,220. The total in both communities was . Swelled by a number of per- mits.for alterations, seven such jobs in Winnetka and .14 in Wilmi7ette. Commercial coqnstruction,, usuallY dormant in the township1 in recent years, also appears in the statisties which are reproduced elsewhere ini this issue in tabular form. D~ata upon which thesé statistics are baed was supplied.by W~illiam A. Wolff, Wilmette; C. M. Osborn. Kenilworth; Robert Anderson, Win- netka; and Lawrence Helke, Glencoo, respectively in 'charge of the issu- ance of ail types of building, per- 1Mits. Two Residences in i Wilmette Records. REAL ESTATE LOANS ALL TYPES-MLL AMOUNTS n of Wini L.Ca: ýerof". L. Campi ;VVV. . ý -- resictence 1at 111 Seventeenth street, ýt and Edward A. to cost $ 10,500, and P. C. Kreuch, is neta te bildr.the owner of a brickç veneer home at 2104 Chestnut aventie. Cost of mpb llIs the latter structure was given as mpbel Is $12,400. Floyd Evans is the arch- 'Burr Oaks"' itect and W. C. Tackett the bufflder. iel 0fth nîoi Other permits issued by* Mr.. bellof he llioisý Wlff inlide. ~, Evanstèu iland avenue, son university,1 i & 't