LUNCHION - TAlLEDHT *D19NNIR . AftElR 1THATRI *Dmrnig re-patig t Rdge e. enter fron. Damen Ae., % bIode souda of Pratt lod. > a- .Irigot 3153 Patreniz Ouur Advertlsers- Barthelxness anda Douglas rairbant-s. Jr., first appeared. "4Dawn Patrol" was thefirst, motion.picture Flynn saw., That was. in Sydnçy, ,,ustralia, a littie over' ten years ago. Flynn will staît work on his new .assignment whein he completes his role opposite Bette Davis ini 'The- Sisters." Flying of Kites Costs Movie Studio Money Paramnouflt's "Men With Wings" company went on location recently to fly a kite. ru ,r on Gorcey's cz be able to drive an hour for 90 di ,y he spent five te climax to a AN UW over ."Tough Guys" Do Not ,ivngWish Any Staind-ins w: Joan Crawford, Metro-Goldwyn- Layer star, received a fan letter vritteri by a seven-montlis-old baby. ts mother guided the baby's fin- Ce