H.1 HARTWeLL WINP4J-aIA 2864 21LTN46-tf c CAR:PENTER AND GENERAL JOB- ber. Screefis,. recreation rmns., porches, rotilng,: garaiges.. Ovrerhead doors, etc. W. R. Wjjson, Wlmette 4944, 21LTN24tP WATERPROOFING Plaster and stucco repairs. Cernent and chimney work. Edlward Barrett, Wilmette 2301. 21LTN11-4tp JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Specializing - -Waterproo:fing. Baseinents 1114 WashiftgtOfl Ave. Wilmeite 2618 21LTN13-4tp PLASTERING of tiesu. Il : lied workmen.who advcrtise on this page: T HE SERVICE:-PAGE. r 39HOMIE MADE FOOD PHODUCT3 SOMEHIN DIFERENT TEA ROOM in a homne. Luncheons an4~ dinners served daily. Open face sandwiches, decorated birthday cakes by special order. Wilmette' 4151. 39LTN11-4tp 40 FLOWERS Cut Flowers - Reasonablé 1097 ASH STREET GARDENS Winnetka 3348 40TN%13-32to 3 1409T, AND FOUND WILL THIE YOUNG LADY WHO.FOUND a black leather ýhat case on. Merrili Ave., Winnetka, please return case -arnd clothing it contained to Mr. Julian, 962 Linden Ave., Winn.? Girl was seen pick- mng up case and then' driving through alley in car. Owner's phone, Winn. 838. 3LTN13-ltc LOST OR BORROWED MEAD KAYAK, '"SHfOREWOOD MIN-, .now," white with red trim. Reward: Phone Camp Shorewood, Wilrnette 1068. a evaJ.1 . at Garo, Rug HubýbardWo teaners. . u iPhone 77 TAE TWO, HIGH SCHOOL, SENIORS WILL .drive to Colorado, for transportationý. Within week. Phone Winnetka 1437. 77TNL13ltp 89).A WANTrEDiTO .uY-c&LOTHING Martin'SClothing tor WItLL BUY MEN'S USEIY SU.ITS shoes, overcoats; .also fut, coats. Best prices. Prompt service. 742 Custer, Evanston 'University 2220 BALT52tfc, au . UINESS à.opoRTuNITrIES ------------------------------------------. I lasE LOANS. '1iII. , 00GB ANO CATS. IDALMATIAN PUPPIES Cali POINI LOANS Signature - Auto - Furniture COMPARE OUR RATE AND SAVE Consumers Credit Corp. 845 Chicago Ave. Gre. 8220 Opp. Main St. -L- Station, Evanston 85LTN9-tf c 87 RF-AL ESTATE LOANS C!TET¶r1T AT 1flT'TTnÇ DRY d cavity treat- Winetka 3235 52A-T TN10-l4tp 53. LAUNDRY Paint -Your ,e Now SIDE~ PAIN T- TO Best N. LAUNDRY rAKE AND DELIV S. refers. Ph. Winnq _________________________________ wIii us,, yuU !iiy e .UvCLAMUft115,ans COCKERS, SHEPHERDS, DOBE1nMAN opportuni ty to accomplish your business PINSCHERS, ail ages. very conveniently in Evanton without We Do Plucking and Clipping. commission or extra charges. We do RHIENHOF KENNELS a rnortgage business exclusively, .and Siçokie & Simpson, Niles Center make many loans without commissions 11LTN13-ltp on standard types of properties as direct HOMERAIED CCKE SPAIEL representatives of three insurance corn- PUPPIES; CHAMPION PARENTS. panies. In other cases, we charge such Reasoable.commissions as are .mutually agreeable. Gleasncoe For very exceptional situations we have Glenco 1165 11L13-ltc money a s low as 41,¼% iterest without _________________________commîssion. and we make monthlv nav. *DW DE * tc j *tp an, Evani &Co. Uni. 333 87LTN6-tfe- 1 14 'l - 1 1 01060 AND ýCI ATeýý 1