heaci lacerations,. iijury to the ieft hand, and other more serious in- juries. Mrs.. Odlum was 'not as Seriously injured, as, at first report- ed. Both are progressing toward recover y as rapidly as could be expected. The accident occurred while Fed- eral Judge William M. Rolly was taking his second, lesson ini autb- mobile driving, tutored -by an em-. ployee of the Jarvis garage in Rogers Park, his car and that of the Odlums corning into collision. OLD SONOGHRIT A real "old-tlmer" has- bei ci' to the liit of sRnglU add- ama BEST like O. Box 4, SIZES orth, Ill. TNl3ltp1 IVORY iPAINTED D O 0UBÎLE -BED, spring and mattress. Very reasonable. Phone Winnetka 1999. 17LTNà3tP NINE-PIECE DINING ROOM SET.WIL SACRIF'ICE. PH. WILMETTE 4146. 1424 FOREST AVENUE, WILMETTE. 1'71LTN13-ltp CHEAP-DAVENPORT, GOOD CONDITION. wINNETItA 2071- NORGE El m.CriRIC lIEFRIGERATOR. In good condition. Mediu*m size. Cail Wlmette 3363. 171LTN13-ltp 17a WTrD. TO UUY-HSHI-D. 4GOODU CASHFOR YOUR USED FURNITURE, modern or antique, and other house- hold articles. Wil) also accept your 'furniture on Traveled Grid Mentor Lynn Waldorf of Wilmette, North- western. universitY .football coach, will be a leading candidate for, "lmost travelled football coach" byp the tirne the summer is concluded. The Wildcat coach has already tràv-ý ersed 12,000 .miles .and expects to. add 3,000mno re.before the ýopening of practice, September 10. Shortly after the Close of school he motored' with hi s family to the University of Idaho at Moscow, Idaho, where he conducted, a coaching school; He no sooner got back to the North Shore than he was off, again to northern New York for a visit at his father's summer home. Hie hur- ig ,in tume for hwester's coac 15. àrs Escape I- Lutos Crash opening school, >yer, 38, 219 i..talpa place, going west on the same thorougblare. Luckily no one was injuired. WÏt- iesses statedthat Dyer.was driving mn the wrong side of the street., )fficers Louis Popple and Cullen Branscome held him on a charge )f reckless driving. day, August 3. NICHOLP The meeting, which was ,arranged Dated August. 2, '1938, $ .DE LIGHTFULLY