s vencz~u. z hi I~essodB & WEETIS semon 6" IIoioey 0 sl8.0value oeIuo.u -»Bd ouly SecaMd' Sales slip 2e pack&geS of who&".. BoIl 6c WMIECo RN EAEY STUART QuafitY 12. oz. O AtUnI.m Serve., Dr. George D. AllUson, IndSe of the Wi[mette Baptst chuch, haa returned fTom hisa gwnner vacation and wilU have charge of the uni on services at the Firt> Congregational churciz Sundaii morning, Au gust 7. lHe will con- du ct these union Sundali morn- ing services' during the month of W,ýa_. presented to thie v in~aevo at its last, meeting in . JunYe, askiflg that a limit of go minUtes be put upon' Parking in the area inentioiied. The board 'ater considering the matter, decided to accede to the re-, quest, and inuch Publicity has been given to proposed parking limitation. PreliminarY vto enforcenlent of the prder by the police, signs warning inotorists of the 90 minuté rule have been in course of preparationi and ,will soon be put intoplace. When this is completed, violators wili be given tickets requiriflg their pres-m ence in police court. Since présentation of the petition, there has been considérable discus- sion as to whether the action is nec- Whl5Unpeed in Eich syp -N<o. 22½in on f a Problem. piliers assert tnat vinag L employees. profesional menJ busi- bo; ness m'en and emplôýyees. of stores rker and offices make up the greater pro- portion of, persons who indulge in Jng ini ail-day parking, or parking longer Thurs- titan 90 minutes. ato the Disvover Facts. ,lkhead In order to discover. the actual eposited fapts in regard to the moot ques- % " Ir . * a uM M , W C I - stube of 6Saverae szelemn;~ ORANGE JUICE 2 12 oz- tins 19c Pimiento Stuffed (21A 0z.) or OLIME .2 ja"29c portect the in-e ;estion thatana 'Mr, Degner mired dowr ini mtricate them-. h1v exhausted conan ia ve over-90- ortion of 1 ,mal people gfigures: irea in minýute parlc- local business' is shown by July 13-12 July 15-il July 16-- 6 i contains.,175 eand TWELFTH WILMEf- A~LL