cago- Symphony orchiestra in thefi- rial concert of the season. For Mr, Ormandy, the gifted'con- ductor >of the..Philadeiphia: or- hestrt ilmk the completion of two weeks as guest conductor at -Ravinla, and for the orchestra the final of the twentyr-fouzr concerts played during the season underthe leadership of four eminent guest conductors. These were divided, with the first two weeks direceted by Dr. Artur Rodzinski, one week each by Eugene Goossens and Willem Van Hoog;, straten, and:the final.two by Eugène Ormandy. Conductors Pralse orchestra The Chicago Symnphony orchestra Jenuica Siebos, firt cellitt of, the Illinois Symnphony/ orchestra, totU be the sol oist when that or- chestra presents the sixth free outdoor concert, of the season . i, Wilmette amp1hitheatre n e x t, Wednesday. evening, August 10., Izier Solomon. tolU conduct. Dr. Allison wiil. preaeh on suc- cessive Sunday mnornings durmng August. The ichurches will resumeé their !idiPvýiual wôrghip programs early in September., Huerter L egion to HoId Carnival on' No Man's Land Lot L Phillip L. Hillinger, Jr., 1715 Elm- wood 'avenue, Wilmette, recently in$talled commander of Peter J. Huerter Post No. 661, American Legion, ahnounces that the post qi will hold a ten-day street carnival chestra, and note thé rapt attention with which the vast»audience receivel every éffort of thisoutstanding sya-, phony organztirto'realize that. North Shore vWUagers know their music and are appreciative o! the high quality wlth which they are being favored. Weather permitting, the croNvds have increased on each suceffuiVe return of the orchestra, untiJ now the seats and vantage points aze well filled early ini the evenaing. On' each occasion they have been more than delighted with the performance. The soloists have ail been o!f lray directors, winnmng tuisome praise -hk--' frorn ail as a splendid flexible in- chelsi strument of which.Chicago and the tra as Ravinia Festival may be proud. bri Each conductor has brought his oust own particular musicality to the group task o! directing his programs, col- Den ored in each case by his own na- tone tionality and backgrounld. Siebo: Dr. Rodzinski is Polish-Americafl, ber,_ with the major share of his musical contr denberg SinLiniett, tic ofthme old-time community street ic: a g o orchestral fair. 1 Members of the post will be on the warm singfllg hand to see that everybody lias ai she is noted, Miss good time, it is explained. Proceeds rfor lier fiirst n.urn-., will go into the post's service fund. Elegie-In decided ________ 1,- -Anf->iw- Next 10, Mr. loist th( f the orchestra, in numbers. The lIr "elegie," the seconc elle,"> by Popper. ixnmedlately a! ter Eugene Goossens is English born and remains an English subjeet, though lie is the permanent conduct- or of the Cincinnati orchestra and spends many montlis each year in this country. te Post terin Wil- circles for command- [mette Post al year .1938 at ±Lnden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette. Sunday mornmng classes for ail chidren will meet as usual at il o'clock in Foundation hall, and the class for guides will meet on Thursday evening at 8 P.Mj L1JAA0w D, Overture, -Phedre- ........ Masenet symprhony No.. 1, in G Mmnor. .)Cminnl0ff Allegro moderato Andante cohimodamente Scherzo Finale---Allegro moderasto ottage .Ior the nm .1 ý ý ý :ý . - .- 1 . -- 1 . -, 1 .