visit FERRY HALL Preparation for, successful 'careera and gracions. liv-. ing, lai8u-rroundi*us that develop poise and per-7 aonality. Jui nior Cllege - terminal and accredited, transfer courses. Hagh Sehool - accredited collage preparatory. General courses. Art, mnusje, dra maties. Swining, riding, tennis, golf. Craf ta and hobby chop . 701h year. Not for profit. Catalog. Eloise R. Trentain, Principal. Lice Forest 3 or 4ox 30, Lake Forest, 11L. HILLCREST FOR GIRLS Agea 6 t. 14 Over quarter century succesaful experi- ence wîthJunior girls. Accredited pre:. aration for Hîgh School or Academny. Ch arrming homne .lite free fromn city dis- tractions. -Music. Dancing. Dramnaties. I French. Sniortà. flnnen .d e:1;-- )Urse. Ezce in arts, tai of »Pol, duata in 0, dramatics. Complete a p o r t 9 program. Beautiful campus on lhe Shore of Lake Michigan, spacious playinig fields, and. gdes-aun enVIronment con- ducive to wholesome growth of mind, and body, and spirit. Aise Junior Scbesi For catclog address,: ILegistras Box IL, H IKemjer , enali O10 s, W. c... Hobbies en- Strong faculty. In- ir Detroit. i! nas5i: or nrier Mrs. David E. Elrngren, 551 Brier drive, street, Tenilworth, and his sister, thisS Mrs. Clarenice Manchester of 555- camp Brier street, Kenilworth, left yester- near day for Yonkers, N. Y. to spend a spent week at the home onf théi b. nt LETURNJIN FROM CAMP Wls., two we ected home Girl Scout :'mie Hiils re shO hast