'TU1 E SYMPHO NY CONC 'ERTS The local committee in charge ai the sym- *Phony concerts being given on Wednesday eve- nings at Wilmette aniphitheatreë, is issuing a statemnent :on another page aif this news-maga- zine, relative ta the conditions under which the Illinois Symphony orchestra, a federal1 music project, is giving the concert.;. the last ofi which. will be on August 31. The vommnittee is fearful thât in, publicizing, the entertainents as. "free' concerts,", the public,. hias bee n giveri awrong impression. While it is. true that no admission charge is made, and that a&nyona, who deires may attend without cost, the eoricertsarae not free ta the community. The com- jnîttee cantracted ta pay the federal mnu sic prai- Ipreae ý onert, t cver, --trampprta~ tion ai members ai the orchestra and their in- * struments. In addition ta this $100,. the com- -mittee is obligated ta pay all other incidentai expenses, such as loud speaker system, lighting, upkeep and -additions to the band sheli, extra labor, ete. These incidentals, it is said, will total approximately $400 for* the series.. The federal :goverIVment pays only the salaries ai musicians. This money can came only fram voluntary con- *-iutins from music loyers who have shown ofth meactin eniso n uac iiiiiibti ..- - ,-- exceediftgly br-aad powers, who may virtually set up hi-s own laws governing commercial oper- ations; With an army of bureaucrats keeping. check an. every transaction; with costs -and prices. established; with, workers, forced ta accept such hours and wýages as may be established at the whim of the top administrator, small' business men wilI be put into a straitjacket and become ýmerely distributing agents, without the free- dlom ta conduct their business along lines to which they have been accustomed. The act, Mr. Donnelly asserted, is a purely political -one, hinting that its chief purpose is to. mnake..soft spots on the. payroll for which the tàxpayers will be compelled to pay through the nose. The conclusion ta be drawn from the explana- tion of the act is, that it is just another example of indiirect legislation-a law passed, not toa a- èôrýpIlg't4êpurMtedpurpsei4o. ,e-e a another cog in the American Tammany political machine. TRAFFIC SAFETY "MusTS" "Better law educatian, pluw key ta automo in.g ta the exl vays, constitute the preventian, accord-. ic "Tndustriai News'* Maybe it's a smnall thing ta würry about, especially during, the heat af summer, but Chi- cago papers keep us constantly aggravated about iand we yearn for relief. What we want ta knaw is this: Is it *Soldier Field, Soldier's Field or Soldîers' Field? The papers, pu#blicizing events in the big outdoor stadium, seem ta be carrying .on a personal leud over the name, each using, its, favorite nomenclature. We wish some official bodyý would settle'the moot 'question, once an d for all. The English liner "Queen Mary"' has set a new west bound trans-Atiantie record ofi 3 days, 20 hours and 2 minutes. The Queen always did set a pretty fast pace. Upon order oi Adolph Hitler the Bible is ta be eie n d -~so i tilted, ae4o rwnt4e ft,,the foundation ai the Nazi creeti. He may sucveed for a ie in rnaking his terrified subjects ac- cept the revision as an interpretation ai Biblical writings, but not for long. Fortunately Hitler is human, and humans do not live forever. Ger- many will one day came under sane rulers, and the insanities of Hitler andi his kind wilI be thrown into the discard, the desecrated. Bible will be restored ta the German people, and the *the con*rts is being borne by the gavernment. It is ta cormect the misbeliei and emphasize the neeti for funds that the committee is making its statement. TEWAGE.HOUR ACT sion. It does mean madernized traffic codes, .'fix- less* tickets, a highèr calibre oi motor patralmen in many instances, and judges andi prasecutars who do their duty without fear or favor. It means a type ai law eniarcement whose principal. pùrpase is nat punishment, but accident pre- vention. Oiten some saund advice will do mare ta curb a reckless or thoughtiess driver, than a for purely personal philosophies and beliefs. Usually, too, the attack is directed against the Lord's Prayer, the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount, probably because for most oi us all ai religion is condensed therein. Words. are stricken out and others substituted that will give the texts a different nieaning, or serve ta sanc- tion same theological principle which the. dese- ers is aepreuuect Working man Is me ~ adoc orPANTOm REPORtTER 1 l '. , , ,a ýc!.ôek or the ë3i