attracts everyone who wants to save! TATMAN'S Annual August CLEARANCE CHINA CLASS FURNITURE' • LAMPS SILVER Four D e NOVELTIES ANTIQUES ays Beginning Monday, August 15 Both the Evanston and Chicago stores have contributed these amazing values for this event. If is fruly a "clean sweep" . . . cost has been forgotteni Large Well and Tree Plated Silver Patter ..... .25.00. Smali Well and Tree Platter... ............. 8.00. 18" Plated Silver Plaffer . ................. 20.00. Plated Silver Gravy Boat.................. 8.00. Bronze Floor Lamp with parchment shade. . . . 50.00. Old French Fernery, inlaid..............25.00. Antique Coalport Dessert Service Pink and areen . ..................... 200.00. ...4.00 9.00 ... 4.00 15.00 ... .12.50 ~I75 1 *UII II8............................. Crystal Goblets, Fluted........... Champagnes to match ......... ..... Smail Crystal Futed Berry Bowls ....... Chrome and Silver Hi-Bals .. .. ..... Chrome and Silver Old Fashioneds ...... Red Glass Hi-Balis............... Old Fashioneds to match. . . .......... Italian Salad Plates, vegetable center... doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. .doz. .doz. 7.50. 7.50 4.00. 7.50. 7.50 4.00 3.50 3.50 1.50 3.50 3.50 T 11, 1938 ( r r. r. I AUGUS ., 1 - Reçfçe