For the second summer meet- ing of the North Shore Alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta, the, social comxittee has planned a tea for. August' 17, at 2:30,.at the home of Mrs. Stuart K. Fox. 730 For- est avenue, Wilmette.. Mrs. Fred Simnmons, Mrs. H ubert L. Hardy and Mrs. Stephen Truesdell wil be the hostesses. -Since the picnic meeting .on July 13, several of the GammraPhis ha-ve returned from the fourtîeth conven- tio n- Wich was, held at Del. Monte, CaIIL, ini late June and. early July, and they. will teil some o!f the high- lights of the. convention.. Mrs., Stu- artr Fox. attended as .d irector: -of Province Il, Miss Dorothy Somers existence as an organization. formed for the pu.rpose of rais- ing a . fund with. which - to buy box, seat s at- the Chicago City. Opera fo reedy music, students who otherwise, would be un- able to attend performances. sti1 carnies on its musicales and social events given as benefits. A musicale and-tea .given Fridiay,« August .19,, at 2 o' at the home of Mrs. Louise C. Gos s, 503 Longwood avîenue, Glencoe and on August 22, .a bridge luncheon at 1i2:30 will be' held at the- home o! Mrs. Charles B. Gràyling, 931 Chest-, nut avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. Richard Marvin, the alum- nae rushing chairman, will outline the plans for fail rushing. There have been several additions to the board o! the North Shore Alurnae of Gamma Phi Beta: Mrs. James B. Kennedy of Evanston, former president of the Evanston Aurnaoe group, who wiIl serve on Mrs. 'L. Lewis Cohen will have -a musicale and tea at her residence, 266 Hazel avenue, Highland Park. The Opera club has raised enQugh money for ten additional boxes to the five already provideci. The ten will be given out just as soon as Mrs. Ralph Heilman, chairmari o! the club, returxis from her vacation. comm Men fo Be Among Guesis at Parisk Party Tonght An evening party f( of St. Francis Xavieri fall Jastiaon s day afternoc school. Miss her parentsý Miss Virgifli be at Indian and tea. Th e event rnis season wtll tike puzc eptember 28. in the gy~mnasium of. Neu,', lerque wi be introduced to society at a sul the Roger Ballards are giving jointly for hJ il lard Friday evenin g..September 16;- The club.-Photo by Pauli Stone-Raymor, Ltd. given High In the finals of the North Shore anLce Interclub Tennis league played last 1wfor Sunday, Indian Hill club tied the wil Country Club of Evanston, Which. club will take home the MacChes- ney cup for the coming year will -be decided when the tie is played off at Indian Hil club at 2:30 o'clock this coming' Sumday after- WILMETTB LIFE lquor NWO*uv4.41m-