of nonor wiu attend JMiss .niwu- beth, Mary Balhatchet, daughter. of Mr.- and. Mrs.. William .Bal-,, hatchet of, 725 Tenth streèt, when she becomes, the, bride of Don Kent Alford, son,of Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Alford of Evanston, this fail. ,The wedding ceremony wifl take place at 8:30 o'clock Saturday even- ing, September 24, ini St. Mark's church in Evanstion, the Rev. Har- old L. Bowen off iciating, and will be foilowed by a reception at the Orrington hotel. Miss Josephine Baihatchet wl]! be her sister's maid of honor, and Miss CGaiiI Kimbal of Bostonn, a Kappa serve _as sona of Mrs. Bess New ~Orleans took son's best i<ist SaMtuday m i are Curtis ocoki h t d, Robert OCOJ I h t gly of Wi1- PariO1I Houiae wit ,nston, and 1otowngat thUe nesday of this week sh1W and Mr. Von der Hoff left for Snyder, Texas, to attend the weddmng of their eldest son, Dr. Henry >O. von. der IHoff.' Mr. and, Mrs. von der Hoff departed by train, but wil probably make p art of the trip by plane.. .1. Their son will be m arried Friday to Dr. Ruth M., Yoder, the weddmgn- taking place IniSnyder where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Yoder, mnake their home. Both the bride and bridegroorw studied chiropody, and following their marriage they- plan . to live in San. Antonio where' Dr.t von der Hoff will. establish his office. 1 nd der Hoff iitg at 9 cla Xavier breakfat ,ian. The ter of , Danili. Uoyneou Chestnut avenue, who is to be .,a Septemiber, bride, has, decided upon> a small home: wedding. The only guests will be relatives of the Coyne family and relatives of, thé bridegroom, Jacob R. Paschen,ý son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Pasehen of Chicago. Thie wedding ceremnony will be pe rformed at' the Coyne residence, at 8 o'vlock Saturday evening, Sep- tembeir , 'by the Rev. Martin D. Mec'Namaraà of St. Francis Xavier church, and 'Will be, followed by a' reception for, those, attending the ceremôny. show er. W- will be eir shower as, Sunday and of Çhic this week, Wednes-.. Nancy Butler of ined at a bathroom y, Miss Molyneaux at a personal gift. and this conilng Miss Jane Heabl' Wedding Only thei tended the sir wlieh Miss E' mette and JC ýdiate family at- cere mony during iErickson of Wil-- cr Hgrrington of 411U i meiJALUwUn at uri.UUU ymiss Dorothy Paschen, sister of the bridégroom, will entertain at a mis- cellaneous shower. The party wil probably be held at the Drake hotel. Two married sisters of the bride- groom, Mrs. John Scott and' Mrs. Robert Lindrooth, will be co-hostes- ses at a kitchen shower on. Saturday, August 27. WILIME.TTB LUFE t the c ,ve not ans for. wever ai set. ýrties wll