BALUS, Dldsmobi6and 8ý. 666 Gueew Ray Rond WI..t&slas88 tatIonsty Poet and Lecturer A member of the. former church, D)ouglas Malloch, -who died .Tuly 2 is: rememhbered by everyone. as -The poet wbo made living a joy."ý Associated in an editorial capacity with the "American Lumberman" in Chicago from 1903 until the time of bis death, he was known to mill- ions of readers tbrough bis poems, syndicated dally i newspapers. Hundreds of thousands also listened to bis lectures, and he was honored by mrembersbip and offices i many llterary organizations.. Leétters annouùchig that a 1DIoug-, las Mailoch memorial. is about to Lydtia Joues. Trotbbridge, 1111 Oakc street, Wi'netka, lias writ- Mrs. Trowbridge's p u bi1 i s h e d work includes two juveniles-2'Bettii of. the Consulate" issued ini 1929 bY iDoubleday Doran, and eMy 4< aahe, Book" ýa. Wasbburne reader pub- lishied by Rand McNaily and used by 7-year-olds îh the-second grade. Mrs. Trowbridge's father Was at one time consul to China, and the former book, is the' story >of her' own childhood i that, country. Lakce View Teacher A graduate of Nortbwestern uni- versity: and a former teacher of Englisb at Lake View High school, Mrs. Trowbridge is. also known on the North Shore for, ber activities in the North Shore Writers' guild, the Winnetka Woman's club, the r Demand r Story of f Frances Wilaàrct, she is 'as al m-ost no other persoi to write an intimate, cern- id wholly honest biography famous wornan educator, ,tor. social, worker and re- publisher says on the. book-"She C e good olci4ashioned virtues. anda Pýll"wl lcvqIÀ e finer thigs cf life. He wrote is another Borzoi book wh ricernig the. besit tings . of the recently been reprinted.T ýt, the beautiful thigs of the pritig is the third for', esent, and the encouraging thigs nigg's work, wbicb bas beeii the future." ig regularly on best-sel]( and the -W iards were inlimaLe ,or Kurt friends for fôrty years. Mrs. Trow- and per- bridge spent. a year abroad with e world, Mary B. Wilard; latèr she and ber àich bas mother lived for a year with Fran- Lhe new ces Willard at Rest Cottage." Schuscb- lBest Loved" Woman iappear- Surely ail Evanstonians and Nortb er lists Q ,' 'n r o es *nt ught tfri fr,, facts c L oet by Tus