,te program committee for that day, states that the activity at Vatt- mani park is increasing every year., "lIt is the purpose of thedirectors and instructers,"'. says 'Mr. Ekland, seak ing fromr Vattma n park, "To' give the children of Wilmfette a big à- ger and better event every year. We, wish to make thi- day a ne igh- borhood day. Therefore we, extend a weicome to. alrnothers and fathers of chîildren who da ,iy participate in the various activities."ý Variety of Features The day is khown as Çarnival day at: Vattmnan parýk. There Will be fishponds, concessions, fortune teil-1 ing and refreshments. F. Stodeur[ is ta hb naster tof c<remi4oa1 -s ated a mifor ro4yvonman, are -slaed or.the finals. After polishing off, pushing over, and in :general, mopping up the courts wjth their rivais during the first week of play,-the cocky,,hard- smashmng offensive boy doubles team of George. Arns and Paul Cohen eliminated themnselves' by blowing sky high i the second set of their scheduled match with Rayr Bloom and Bob Gruhen.- With the first set on ice, 1-6; and the second wefl on. its way. to "ye ol coler" 2-5; the- boys started ciowning. They were, so sueces s- fully impressive that they -laugihed themnselves into the short end of a 5-7 set. Changing their a*t>1e of Manager com mlttee. Wn re Dr. Proinre ceived his Bache- lor's degree With Dr., C. Provine major in English Burke.Koretke Literature andd his Master's degree with, major i Phi- losophy and Germaniec Phiology, fromn Vanderbilt university, and. his Docto's degree i Pilosophy fromn Brown university. He also attended the Harvard Graduate school where he receivîed a Master's degree 'i ehiiosophy and Psyehology, and.the Union Theological Seminary in New York City. lHe held scholarships. IDulçantis, , 8m907 1West iwentiem place, Chicago, a sserted that he was also divm g south i S.kokie - boule- vard, and hadý sounded' the, horn be- fore turning into, the right.lane to, pass Husting,. who, turned -directly into his path. Leo> Siegari, 20, 3652 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, drIimg forth,' wa s struck by the Hustmng car as it was propelled across the center line by, the force of impact. AU three cars. were wrecked and were towed to garages. Houplal iness Busiess for the hospitals took a sýUdden spurt. Husting, with lacera-, otrier - types oxf handieraftt will be1 displayed under the supervision of Mrs. Shirly Libben. Site will be assisted by Mr. Ekland. The pro- gram will start at 1:30 and continue until 4:30., Gold Medal AwardsL Village Green instructers have.t elected to end their season rnuch in r the same .Way on Thursday after-'t it away as cheaply as 2 ACES UNDEFEATEI al and Varice Soule, tI ýer combination, cc hitting power in the1 football, and soc taught in the Chç Cathedral of St. à New York City. the Afternoon, activity prornptly. at 1 o'ciock. From 1: 30 to 1: 45 Mr. Waite 'will direct the junior1 boys in four rounds of boxing. At 2, Miss .Lamson has scheduied soft- bail and kickbail gantes. She wili be assisted by Joseph Sacco.Special events at 3 o'clock include: Turtie W. ... . . .. . . . .6 ..3 Pos........3 ... . . . * 3 Lýegion .........0 ýt Men's Club . .0 Pet. 1000) .667 .600 .. fl 1' -i ' ý ' ,' i i .000 .000. Turn byi The Wilmette Public Library has added many new books of a praç- tical nature to its collection. The charge. MOTOR IN EAST. r. antd Mrs. John S. Hli Cumnor racLKenilworth. mV.* =- 1 "