0 winner remaiunctUiscioseciLL * For the past week, Dean, at 320 - pounds ringside, and Brown. at ex- actly haif that weight, have been swappini, falis in the spectacular wrestling finale of the Columbia picture, "The Gladiator," produced by David L. Loew. The script reads that Brown win the third and deciding;fall, for the "world'.s championship." But the Man Mouintain has entered an elev- enth hour protest, on grounds it will ruin his professional reputation.-to be defeatèd, if only on the screen, by a man just half his. size, "I don't know, and I don't c'are what the script says," declared stick. to me col e Man ýublic will e the nod By Humphrey Bogart There ought to be a iaw! There ought to be a lot of laws there aren't, and somne of those we have could be repealed and we'd neyer miss them. For instance, "there ought to be a law" against a' columnist, gomng away to fish and leaving his. "con-; stant reader" floundering. n, the duil reading that I'm going to dish up. No actor ever learns to talk about anything except himself. Xt's a part-of the trade, like hair-pieceS. So, since there is no law against columnists desertin g their columns or.aais ac tors talldng *:about yone visixP. .r foods - unless nen myself. - or c rinks. (I have a contrary soul. i UAtiII L I ýave su, far tc ave neyer S. idy, great a. nother way now-hi let it to ave