20 PAINTING AND DECORATING DECORATOR RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED, EXPERT., Reasonable prices. Ph. Kenilworth 5217. 25LTN14ltc. INTERIOR. AND EXTERIOR PAINTr- ing,. calcimining. varnishing. Reason-, able. Free estimates. George C. Wilcek., 837M/2Chicago, Evanston. Greenleaf,=58Ô 25LTN14-ltp 31, DRESSMAKINCO il DOGE AND CATS PUPPIES AT RHIENHOF KENNELS DoberMans, cockers and German -Shep. herds. Dachshunds, 5 weeks to 5 Mos. We do. plucking, clipping, *boarding.. Skokie & Simpson, Niles Ceênter. i!LTN14-Itp FOR SALE PEDIGREED MALE PËE- kingese, fawn colored, .1 yr. old. Fine disposition, good child îs pet. Phone Winnetka 1556. 11LTN14-tc 38 MUTTER, ceGGSPOWLTRY Fresh Desèd Poultr. y Dily) B UILEDING AND REPAIR FLAGSTONES Also stone for walls, rock gardens, etc. BRICK. CEMENT WORK. TUCK- poàinting. Free' expert adylce and estimýates cheerfully given. H. HART WELL WINNETKA 2664 21LTN46-tf c HOUSEHOLD REPAIR Porches, roof s, cases. over head doors. Painting, dec., fir. sandmng and fencing. Nor Shor Building Service. Ken. 5511. 2ILTN9-ltp CARPENTER AND) GENERAL JOB- ber. Screens. recreation rms., porches. rloofing.' garages. Overhead doors, etc. W. R. Wilson, Wilmette 4944. 21LTN12-4tp WATERPROOFING Plaster and stuoco repairs. Cemet an chiney ?TPrk. JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Specializing - Waterproofing Basements 1714 Washingtoni Ave. Wilmette 2618 2ILTN13-4tp PLASTERING one 39 ' 1580 ShermanJ Phones, Davis 22M ,venue. Evanston' or Hollyçourt* 422& 8ILT412.4te REAL ESTATE LOANS Wg ARE I THE MARKET FOR' Firat àMortgage loanison North Shore- property. Interest 4%,% to 5%.ý- Joseph C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Sherman, Evanston, Utni. '3363 87LTN6-tfc We-have funds avaîlable. now for immediate commitment oný FIRST MORTGAGES.ý MeGUIRE &'ORR, lnc.. Over A5 Years %of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans., Gre. '1080, W~i. 228 87LTN14-ltc MONEY TO LOAN on First Mo t~ae WINNETKA BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 716 Eim St. Winnetka 1611 87LTNII14tp PERSONAL S ER V IC. E ON REAL Estate mortgages. Lo'w rates, prompt action. Phone or write GEORGE F. ILIFF Wlmette 1882 924 Linden Ave. 83EMP LOYMENTÀ TEA LuaU CALL 1MR.1 MAIDS--Cl I.f Reliable service -Shorline 746 Elm St. 1. SKOLNIK THE SRCEPAGEý lome.