fans. yree gas anua rVieaL*5ýI)'- In this building : with Club facilities. 25x60 ft. swimiming Pool, ping. pong, golf roomùsi étc. A play place and wël- corne for young and 'old. Available October 1 4 ROOMS Living room, lT17%X20 2nd floor ....:......8.0 3rdfoojr.......82.50, 5 ROOMS Ling room, 1711x20 2nd floor ......... $25 3rd 11oor ......... 850 Résident Manager on premnises. 12BLTN14ltc BEAUTIFUL limiJU N £ JJLiJ.ài %-. A few choice apartments wiUl be available for October occupaflcy. 2-3--4-4%a Rms. Tile Wall Batli KROLL & sMITH, AGEINTS 424 Linden AVe. Wilmette 128LTN13 R., B. WHITAKER Co. 140O Green Bay Road Winnetka 3250 133LTN14-ltc : WILMETTE 215 BROADWAY-5 bedroorms, 1 bath, library, large..lot. H. W. oýit.Gar. $100 per mo. 601 LAKE AVE.-4 bedroomns,,2 baths- on 2nd floor. H. W. oit. 2-car garage. $125.per rmo. W1NNETKA 1005 ASH. ST.-3 bedrooms. 1 bath, H. W. oil, nice yard, gar. "7.50 per mo. 717 ROSE WOOD-White brick, large wvooded lot. Many fine rose, bushes. 4bedrooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor. 2 rooms and 1 bath on 3rd floor. Garage. H. W, oit. Completely re.decorated. $175 per Mo. GLENCOE 503 MONROE ST.-Brick and' stone. FPURNISHED HOUSE,. MODEEATE size. g'roomns,,5.,bedrcooms. Close to transportation. South WMtllmette. Rea- sonable. Wlmette 1846. 134LTN14.ltp 136 WANIED TO RENTIOUSEU WANTED TO RENT-5 OR 6 ROOM house or bungalow from October L. Near school. Address A-99, Box '60, Wilmnette, 1HZ» 136LTN14-ltp WANTED BIt OCTOBER IST., 4 BED- rm. house, 3 baths, modern and up-to- date. Gooci location. Address A-96, Box 60, Wilmette, Illinois. 136LTN14-ltp 140 FOR RENT-STORES a& OFFICES FOR RENT .- APPROXIMATELY 800 .. sq. feet. n store, for lîght m-anufac-. tu ring or storage. 1129 Central Ave. .Henry F. flarre, see janitor. - ^,af 'SPI ýS6 RM. BRK., H. 50 New section w f 6rm. Eng. brk., MODERN, BRICK HOUSE WITH 6 large rDoms and 2%2 baths, sun porch and den on first floor; heat.. ed sleeping porch. tie roof, 2-car garage and, beautiful wooded, nicely l.andscaped lot; guaraft- teed construction. This property wfll be sold at an attractive priçe. We advise you investigate. W.- G. RUGGLES, & Co. 517 Davis Street, Evanston Hol1. 6886 Unil. 6886 Wil. 66 147LTN14-ltc SPECIAL OFFERING. SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL N E W brick home in East Wilmette 'near- the lake., The. acme . f perfection in arrangement and the essence of good taste in decorations. 5S bed- rooms, 5 baths, library, breakfast room, recreation room, air condi- tloned gas heat, 2-çar attach~ed garage. 'Well landscaped 'grounds. Itou really must sec this homne to MeGUIRE & ORR, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St.,. Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 147LTN14-ltC Rambling Engiish Home IN ADMIRABLE OLD COUNTRY Style, stone and timber, over- 410 L .;J. 9J S4 ]Room Ap Downtown location. Ph. Wilin.tte 2399 or lb. 1561 THE OPPORTUNITY 0F A LIFETIME WHY GO INTO THE COUNTRY for acreage when you can buy a beautiful brick bouse on 2 acres of ground, close to lake, schools and transportation in East High- land Park, priced at nearly ground value. For further infor- Ln Ave.