RESIDENTIALLOANSI Am.oets $16.000 _ $30.000 Must represent 50% of real value Insuranice Company Fuinds FREDERICK A. COOPER 1505- Chicago Ave. Evanston Gree#peafor Sheidrake 3030 Orlowshi,2b. W.Macski,3b Guy,rf', Balenilf Watra,ss Steffanil,c Bockp 31 400 400 4 0GO 412i 34 3 6 wilmnette (d) AB R H Kaspar,3b 4 O 5 H.Steffens,2b 4 1 (s MWarquardt,If 4 0 ( Hioffrran.c 4 O 1 B;Steffens,ss 4 O O May,cf - 4 0 0 Kramer,rf 4 00O Kaup,lb .3 0 ri Borre,p 3 O 1 341 4 Kaspar.3b 4 00. .4 0 2 Hoffmnan,c 4 O 0 Ruck.p 3.0 3 R.Sitfenscf 4 0 1 Marquardt,If 40O2 Kaup lb 40O 2 Z.tffens,2b 4 0O0! ]Kramer,rf. 2 O 0 340 10 Glencoe (9) AB RH Mikkelsen,ss 4 1 0 Hlesler,3b 4 i11 .Kimbal,rf 4 0OC. Huebner,lb 4 l1 2 Hickiey,p 4 2 2 Holfelder,cf 4 1 1 Parks 141 1 Hiolman 41 1 Dahl 41 2 36 910 Recrd Catch MT.J. F. Maner of.1776 Washi- H. Blunt, Lieut. Col. G.eorge A. Pollin, and. Maj. Lloyd H. Cook., Major Morris heads the ring corn-, mittee, Lieutenant-Chandier the pro- gram and'tickets committees, Capt. Thomas d. Cranford Jr., 'the enter- tainment commitee, Maji. Edward, J. Rehmanni the prizes commiittee, Lieut. Col. Sawyçr A., Grover the stabling, conmittee, Cap, Harold A. Meyer the publicity committee, Lieut. Leland.W,. Cramer the. entries cornmittee,, and Maj.. Cook the mil- itary exhibition. cornmittee. *From Lieut. Chandler cornes the report. that boxes for. the show, are ii high demand àmong residents of the North Shore, northwiestern ave, Wilrnette, on August following day, they put ou fire at the corner of sa l3th streets. On Friday, August 5,1 called to .Glenview roid, n the rush and gToup. Il in len gth. the mea- taken anee 1 las, J, M, Hoc Lieut. 1U ton, Ky. ire being received. Sthose who have alrèady ces are Mr. and Mrs. Laur- Armour, Donald R Doug- n E. Hughes, Mrs. James ins, John Lord Behr, Admi- ie EUlis, Mrs. Cyrus H. Mc- Britton 1. Budd,, Mrs. R. (whose farnous Tip Top so drew the honor of send- 7wiU încile James Casson, dlin, 'Mich., C. Wadsworth of Greenwich, Conn., and' 1l. E. H. Hardy of Leking- CONVý No obUtgation MOUE ENGINEUERIN4G .W. C. HIUGGINS