CompI.Iàly Equlpp.d Shop 49r 011 lurner m custmersare saved thousands of dollars eaicl year by this service. BURNER CONDITION1NG During Êummer.months, *we can remove your ,burner, ae i nielyaa, and then rebuild it, exactly as it was ôriginally buiît in the- factory. I this way you are given a NEW BIJRNER at a fraction eof the original lost. SILENT Servant,,OIL SURNER - SALES & SERVICE, HEATINO SERVICE CO. !NC " 812 OAK STRET PHONE WUNNETKA 4000 k 1W vuca realv fifld ou~t if your fuel oil burner i Let one of our burnor service men make a test of your heatlng plant. Ho wiIl use a newly developed instrument that shows whether you ire giving your heating plant a chance to do ifs best. Ho may enable you to save imoney on heafing your home next winter. @- @nm oipally OF ILLINOIS COAI. - ICE - FUEL OIL - BUILDING MATERIAL Tel. $68 t I Telephoee WiIntte 1300 Wirnnelka 3386 Gleucoe,75