Phone GRienleaf 81 Ody Fleet of New Cabs witli Radios Your Favorite Program While You Ride RATE$ STILL ONLY 51Se MILE Gardo.nE.iatuÎiast Whàt the tveU-dresaed suburb-' ante garden enthuaiast w wWear- ing tPhis year is ahown ini the photograph above. Co mplete with> mosquito-netting teil and ceeUo- Fran put ge TView point pt 7orld A fjairs ove0 di to Rotarians th Chino, a lecturer on the tha- Japanese Imperial Con- any Recount Acievement in expressing its regret at..the ter- mination of Mr. Koenig's connection with the. clty. of Fort Atkýinson, the "*News"~ recounited *some of thie >im- provements macle under his admnini- stration. A few of these are'as fol-* lows: "The tax rate. was decreased, "A municipal office was established, with full Urne officers, and some offices, were consolidated.,:,1 "A department of ,pùblic works *as created te have c h:a r g .e of work on streets, sewers, parks, etc. with a sup- erintendent i charge. All department hieads. were madè 'responsible to' the city manager. "A. new system of ýcity records was )sal plant was installed. and playgrounds Were epartment was taken anager wa ed. It is a to find oi sk his ni mto -spe viepii on.jfJA. .L .11 curei. woi.Ma ariai D -- - ____ with emphasis upon the present Mr.- and Mrs. Charles S. Mac- situation ini China and- the Man- Grego~r spent the rnonth of July chuko border incident involving Rus- at the home of Mrs. MacGregor's sia.. mother Mrs. P. J. Koerper, 1734 This program was one of several Lake avenue. Mrs. Koerper and an-, to be presented this year by rep- other daughter, Louise, returned to' resentatives of foreign governments Palm. Beach, Fla., with them, to as a part of the International serv- be gone for several weeks. ice program of Rotary International -- si-e Coutains Se Nsgmkium