Delightfully fragran f and most r.fresh- ing, whether served hot. or ic.d and, garnished with leinc mn sices or '/24-b.4 mini sprig- -fin 49C' LIFEBUOY: 'Soap 1 ~~~--- Nf--- ( Or"i A sjnooth, velvety. peanut butter that Our own brand of rici dees mot cliïig. So good in sandwiches naise.. Fresh end perfe or appeizers- adds zest t. al sal ,4 for la7c O 15c 6L2cq.45 creemy mayon- «lY sesoe- Is or sandwich ,t.'27c' CEUPERY HZMRTS. Crisp, white stalks*e tender, uce 3 white hors- 2bnhs3 I'ONIY DIW MELONS. Truy swet as ýhony-rp.n 2 eaytoe at-4arg'e sze- NEW APPLES-GREEINGS. Perfect for new applesauce. th.t always ho$ such e delicious flavor;, green ej>ple pie, apple puddng or taris6Dlbs.. e WHITE or',YELLOW, SQUASH. A favorite summer vegetablel boiléd end mashed or p arboiled and batd- SUMM ER whher if 15 2bc NEW RED POTATOIS. Thç,, ar, bqlje, mashable, 9 ba kable or fryabt.- e 3 - Muýchigan Tomatoos Wond.rful flovor. Fine for seleds, bak- ing, fryinq or broiling. 1 Basket of over 31/2 Ibs. 19C 'R@UKYORD MWENSID -Rlpe. sws.t, m eaty coilelou pes-A p.rfect first. course in the morning or evedng- 2 for 25c 'Crate of 12 1 .29 NEW RED- CABIAGE. resitaMlr» Cooked Baby Lobsteirs Imagine a d.Iicacy 1ke meety, tender lobdo"et aià price such 4 aLs iM 2.for>4 . i plun chop for FRESH SLICED SALMON Delicious when baked or broiled end served with new pottfoes 39e in crem- lb. AUGUST 18, 1938ý