of seeds is prevented each year. Isolated plants should be pulled out and local areas should be raked and clipped to prevent the production of seed.. The raking must lit ail of the seed stems so that theyý can be. clipped off by the mower. U.sually two or three rakings are sufficient, the grass being;.clipped as..usual during the intervals. On small lawns the mower-rake attachment for hand mowers has proven effet- ive where the infestation is not tôo heavy- and on large lawns a steel brush attachment for the power mower is available aRd, may be used with excellent results. Chemical control of tbis lawn pest is possible, sodium chlorate. baving been used successfully by Borne ex- perened oertor, oi, affly infested Iawns along the North Shore. Ilowever this method is influenved by se nany factors that it is not recommended for general home use. Fortunately, chemical control by this method is not expen- sive and if »referred to the mechan- ical methods suggested above, the assistance of an experienced land- s cape gardener or commercial sprayer should be enlisted. Sheridan Road at lOti, Street Ne Manis Lu