ication, but fer our flies. Such matei »r by Tuesday noon to Lbe lu time HAVE YOU-MOVED? F Attention of New Trier voters le directed to t4e provisions of the permnanent* registration law, whlch requires that in 'caseof removal from the precinet notice of such removal shall be given, te the Village Clerk or the County Clerk, in order that the registration, files* may be corrected and thus kept up te date. The fal elections are to be important, with possible influence upon the preidential election two'yeas later. Whatever the political leanings of the voter, he shouhi fnet fail te establieh hie rlght te vote in lis, new location. That can be done only through a correction of the existing If you have moved te a different precinct since registering under the new law, talçe no chances NiGE CHILDREN No one who has attended the syrnI erts now in progress at Wilmette an by p sible as gr I[of these children corne froin homes of In fact, many o! them are making their life in very humble surroundigs, guided its with a full realization of every pos- vantage that wiIl benefit thein, not only ing chlldren but as adulte assuming the bilities that corne with maturity. "There are several things however, that .gov- erument can do, in the electrical field that the law denies, to private enterprise," said the "In- dustrial NeW R e vlew"I in quoting Mr.i May 6"It caRi take the money of all the people to, buildl power plants ta serve a limited area-ýas, it has done ini the Southeast, the Mlddlewest and the ,Pacifie Northweet. It can declare these immen- sely expensive projects tax free-thus deprlving states, counties andihuicipalities of the millions in taxes that would be paid by private utilities of compara ble uize. It can provide certaln services 'Iree,' such as the mail franking privilege, which private business must pay for. And, finally, it can charge off much of the cost of power de- velopment to flood control, navigation, irriga- tion, etc., thuts making it neit to, impossible to money joys ii: about1 private per ce tilities. Sor "chg ie taxc every con- pay love which the present species of politician Le for the farmer and the worklng man. So erned le he for the welfare of these toilers, levoted to their intereste, so deterrnined that fair America shall be for themn a "land o! cand honey," that he tells* them about n~ every occasion-and even cooks up occa- worries of thie cozfnmittee would be over. Wil» YOU help? ** paddling has been recommtended, to a conter- ence of eéducatorso as a means of enforcing disci-' pline in sch>Ools.. We have a supply of extra heavy shingiles if the pedagogs are interested "DoI)ug" 9,Corrigan,.*ho flew from New York to Ireland because he thought east was west, will be in Chicago Saturday, and what a 'day it wilI be for the. Irish! For full::.particulars séee .Mr. Hooley'or Mr. Dinnessey. T'other day we visited an antique shop where- in the proprietor *was Exhibit "A." HTe was oid, decrepit, very deaf and completely unconcerned as to whether he made a sale or not. Rousing ~hlm from semi-slumber we inquired about the use tax and whether there was oversupply or dearth of e it en- <'esirable articles. His replies were restricted ta ýo takes 'II don't know," or 'II gueses s." When we regis- ived by tered surprise, or »iaybe it was dismay, at the "cheap" pricecrd on an old chair that didn't have even cloth-, one good leg to stand on, he became decldedly I rthige grumpy. .and asked why we had corne there to publige bother him if we didnt want to pay what really puli riceless heirloomes were worth. We told hirn would part with saine (at a price) -to accoin- medate a friend. The bètter haIt was terribly humiliated. for the nearest thing to an antique she possessed is a hair trunk considerably the worse for wear, lined with a yellowed newspaper containing an account of the current visit of Lafayette. Followed consultations in which we do not remember having been consulted, and uuuourees uit aU or mia» ,con-, the one, it's prel 90W fora s a.ANTM Rapom miemt eacia thce ed the. current isu M reçl MÉ ý ý < , ý pow« for