00 'ASSOCIATIPOf0FWILMETTE' Chartered asnd Su>ervised mnde the AUited States Gepernmeut 115 WI.fl Avu..T.I.pb ce Wi..*t.162à- GATIIERaCOAL (O. 1938 S pauSais Court r I 7kw Picture of, Goes Here -lul lu . lu. .1 "LII is the time to get your new permanent Picture Of C. à. HagLTEMAN Goes Here COMPLUTE CLOS.EOUT of OUR PRESENT STOCK 0F CAMIERAS. M INIATURESý and ENLARGERS SPECIÂLFOR FALL. Mon..TUOs.-We*.- Tilurs. .5 SHAtIPOO.WAVI $2 o $7-,5 and MANUCURt 85C GREENLEAF BEAUTY STUDII 113 Greea.nleaf Wilmtê3C SEER WI*'N1DOW FOR THE NEW FALL UINE Halteunon's Photo Shopa 11.45 Greenleaf Avenue Picture off J. H. HflUUON Goes Here Picture ,off V. W. HILL. Goes Here For Better PERFORMANCE USE MOBILGAS and MOBILOIL GENEIRAL AUTO REPAIRS e 08 Central Avenu...........Wilmffe131 Picture of ci. J. cowEVrc Goes Here Rt E R B o WiImef f. 1676 Ftowers by. Wire litluliiiii lot-