Pmcm*rne muIaid - la. dOt bag SUCAR .Ooudo51 PICKLINO SPICE. 1% oz. tin 1 Os am* fTUAET - 2 plae:I ayutmdt Ms. o JA CAIPS dozen in package21 JAR RINGS 3. ldzen packages 1 4 MirY STUIET - WmITEf or pIfkIImg , 21 poiand packag es 1 9c and rubbon ' **per on ffl 3-3plt ule SOsý Dr. George P. Magili and Mrs. Magill, 1011 Lake avenue, have. as their guests two brothers of Dr. Magill and., their wives, it >being the first time ini many years. that the couples have been together.- The brothers, of which D~r. Magill is the, eldest, are al. natives of Lewistowfl, MI., where their father, Dr. J. F. Magiil,. was for twenty-ofle years pastor of the Presbyteriafl church. From Washington, Pa., on Monday came Dr. Charles' D. Magill, dentist, and Mrs. Magili, former residents of Springfield and Jacksonville, Ill., where Dr. Magili practiced his pro- fession for many years. Hie is now retired. ýollege for girls, whict Iucts, and which an outstanding succg e of L.L.D. was confer by Washington-Jeffer rge P. Magill and Iý ten and son Arthur, 1014 Pontiac road, Wilmette; and ArthurStrand, Evanston. Smce three Arthurs. made up port of. the erew, Skipper Knapp. real- ized there wcould be considerable confusion in giving bis orders, so, the following names were given: "pop" for A. G. Stazntefl,.Sr., "Ernie"' for Arthur, Jr., and 'Butch" for Arthur Strand. Sitice _Warren S. Merriam" was too long, he was given the name cf "Bill". Pleasant sailing weather was en- countered duùri ng the entire trip al- though.the sea on! threè days wa s 5 rough that it was thought inadvis- able te. use the mainsa il. mview, was dri sLake, avenue, Loff the road, dtance on the sl n to the road, Lake avenue wuest' on plunged a dis- ack on- of 2801 e road, QUART Jm 37e PINT JAR 22C Ton for licelTon of L omb. . Americanism a terested in ai ments. -subvers tl upuli iu 1 funeral CORRECTION iappear-, [vocate of Through a typographical error. eially M the name G. Howard Canniff was 'e move- rendered G. Hioward Banniff in last- V 14 poufd tin