Because o! the wide publie interest i z oning,. the Evanston- North Shore Real ýEstate board -is desirous of having the various.,re- ports o! i ts zoning commfittee pub- Uished trom time to time. Aider' R. Tighe of Wilmette, presents the following report: Durinlg 1937 and 1938' there has, been a more or less hidden. demand for action on an enforceable zoning ordinance, to preserve Wilmette as a community of homes; also there has been a realization that the present zoning, ordinance is un- enforceable. After considerable publicity, a civic organization proceeded to dence alteration job were author- ized in the three building permits issued i Wilmette during the past week. JM.Kelly is building a six- roomfi brick vreeer dwelling at 2210 Greenwood avenue, at an estimated cost of $9,000. Warner. M. Pearson, 720 N.% Michigan avenue,, Chica go; is the arehiteet, and builIder. Théther residence.permnit.was. taken out by G. A. Anderson, who' is building a six-room brick house at 702 Locust road at, an estimated cost of $6,500. Dewey &.,.Pavlo*i.ich, 4804 North KedZieavenue, Chicago,, are the architects. The permit for the- alteira tion job, costing $50, was taken out by, N. to malce a la which to bui enforceable zc .survey is now .be completed year. It is services of t! of the Real E used, ini an. a There are three baths, a tw :arage. screened porch, sun de ght basement play room, a arge bay. windlow in' the>d fin the er cent, as compared with it a year ago. In four years has changed fromn a half- g. short-term credit agency dominantly long-term one, f steadily mounting con- kthe future of real éstate Glencoe Permit Total1 Is Six for Past Week Six building permits for ixnprove- ments totallmng $31,085 were issuèd in Olencoe durin.g the past week. Four were for remodeling, or al- teration jobs to residences and the other two were for work at the for Announicement lias just been made of the contemplated erection o! more than 10 five and six-room rav . il. lidia. - lb t. ol turac only $7 ýout. year b~ is a quaint dooryard garden .ashioned fiowers surrounded Th àite picket fence.. o! long- standinj ,eports. JIrrently thie ank Joseph uormaCk 15 bulding an 29,883.22 out on ten-year addition to his residen ce at. 743 Ls mernber institutions and Bluff street, costing $8,000. 0.943.22 on the less than a A permit for reniodeling the resi- s. dence at 459 Grove street was taken .dily advancing percentage out by F. I. Raymond. Estimated -m credit to total loans out- cost of the work is $7, 785. egan during the first year H. G. Schram took out a, permit, was even a slight pick-upn fora- porch, at 691 Grove street, 1 Soi