o Ddgr-puidqo Ridge Am. enter Ir-m Dumn Ae., % Ub l J fPrats Dfrd. The TERRACE SUPERVISION OF FRED A. MILLER 6JUS? 6000 FOO0," SpeciaU Thurs. Dimasi' 75Cý F rIday' Fisi -Dibmer jOu AN AS 'IN 8 MINUTEs- Althougb it wrnl take only 8t min- utes on the Éereen, 10,000 work days for extra> players will go into the San Francisco fire and earthquake sequences o 'The Sster." WhiIcIevei Y.. Prefer! BOTTLED or CANNUD BEE.Rpmpù For - harlie's Ihand-ýprints and foot-prints are preserved in con- crete.> Charlie stepped before microphones and cameras Wednesday--eveflifg. July 20, amld fittl*xg ceremony and had his hand and foot prints, Mn' printed iu concrete in the fore court of Grauman's Chinese The- atre, in Hoflywood. Notified that he was to be foot- printed Wu wet concrete, and thus jon* the list which1 includes. Mary Plkord, Charles ..haplin, Deanna Durbin, Norma Shearer, and a score of, other, screexib notables, Charlie's al- M'y Out t d Wu erv ALOHA He is currently aeen lin'<VivaclotLs Lady", co-starring wittl Ginger ,Rogers. Chantie was accon¶panied, by John M. Stabi, producer-director of Char- lie's latest pieture, "Letter of In- troduction," and various mernbers of the supporting cast.. BOY WINS TRIP, z in the cehoir necit ience lm IMNCESS PIn HY' "*'Po Enteraining You in Our Famous R.pia of WAIKIKI BEACH . ... plus the confinuous music of our Nawaiian Orchestra... in "Boys'Town." BAZOOKA ON VACATION4 BILLY COOK GRAD Bob Burs wll bossomn forth as a Billy Cook, child actor who is ýomely philosopher, minus his Da- playmg a leadmg role in Para- ýooka and hMs famous relatives, i n ount's Techicolor epic of avia- e titie role of! Ms new picture, tion, "Men With Wings," flew to 'The Arkcansas Traveler," at Para- Pl lo ait rn ount. Fay Bainter, Irvin S. Ccbb, the red. brick Lomitas School, where eau anke an Joh Bel ar he studled for seven years before soc ýy ofGmm ise so LarngeParties n his car.- Hes figured Out lie saves 4 working days a year by this tirne economy. corne1, K. CoYer