Dwalsne for InwUon-ePedu? o ueo ' Pix or Wn~E'~ELUEor al dire. paperia; Wedna~y p. à&. for WINNUTKI. TALK »dl Tbw»day- P., M. for GLUNCOU N10WI Telephones: wilmetto M50 Wlunetka »0M0(WInetka 500Miater 8P ..Greenleat 430 or O0ÎÏdirke 121&1317. YOUJNG, WOMAN WISHES BOOKKEEP. ing, cashiering -and general office work. Seven years' experlende. Excellent reter.J ences. Phone ig4land Park 43M.6 94LTN163tp COMPETENT WOMAN FOR CLEAN IN4G. COOKING ANDj SERVING PAR- TIES. VERY FINE RCFENRENCES. GEELAr 7512. 94LTN16.ltpi1 WANTED BY RELIAB wornan, work by the we4 ences. $12415l. Lena, Gre PflT.f~D~ui~fl I 97 HLPWN D-EA. WANTED 2 general girls................e 12 general girls ............. 10 general girls........... ........ 12 2 second maids ..........-$12 and $15 Scooka .......$*15- $18. $23, $25, and$3 GOOD REFERENCES REQUIRED Cafl l nperson ofly. SHORLINE EMPL. AGENCy 746 jelm ýst., W"hetkai 97LTrN16.ltc y. Rfer-Exper.. Ln ; J kplain 7:30, iv Refers., WANTED 2 couples, $150 3 coules, $135 2 couples, $125 4 couples, ffOO Good Réferences EeQulred SHORLINE EMPL. AGENCY 746 ELM ST. WUINETKCA 3012 U9LT16ltc fou FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES QUALHTY F HIST '35 Buickcel. sed ....... 515 '37LaSaIle epe.....845 '37 Olds 8 tour. sed. . 745 '37 Cadillac conv. sed.. 1,395 '37 LaSalle tour. s.d... 945. if destrec. sLar st*iops- » ff. Wnnetka 415. 11SLT- LARGE, AIRIY FRONT Boom 1OR RENT. or smaler room. W lhnette 1530 lLTI LARGE FRONTY BEDRM., N. & W" posures. Sultable for 1 Or 21 Pr couple emloYed; no) children. Mrv. & shopping center. 1441 Forest. Wilm 1302. 11OLTNIC !UICELY FURNISHED, COOL. QU front room and bath. for gentleD ini private home, east aide, -near tr portation. Wlnnetka 2010.,11OLTNII CHEERFUL FRONT ROOM FOR LA 1%t nd.A nwer nd1oining. CGarai children. Good ,alary. Pleasant room & 'Niclyie -4ce. ff)11 surroundings. CaIJ Wlnnetka 1908. s Experienced GeneralAs Housework Girl. Glen. 964 v 97LM16-1tc îfor Maid, White, 25-30, 1810 Ridge Ave.. Wil. 956, Winn. 1673 Ph. GENERAL. HOUSEWORK. LAUNDRY. 15T1t aduits. Kenilworth 5556.2 týniP. 1 T WTE14ELPY WANT. C! j reclur e mette, Ilarge oct. ee. ASK for fRosa, it gove Glen WAN 5. - E 146. 1 -