gram ofw: iliarity 1U51 year. The entertainmnent talent of -VMla Yen- ice, Skyrocket, Villa. Moderne, Wi- nona Gardens, and, other night. clubs have already begun pla nning spec- ial novelty, acts for the occasion. Array of Actvities The outing, planned ini honor of Couftty Commissioner William Er- ickâon, wm feMature an array of activities and amusements for the entire family in keeping with. the slogan: "Just for Fun! " The *program wifl begin in~ the morping with, a total of 54 holes of - golf available to guests, on the c'ourses of bath the Ehzngate Club and, the. nearby, Pickwick Golf -club. Niglut-Time Chicago, The beauty and epchantment of nlght-tvne Chicago;> viewvof the Edgewater Beach hotel andi the famed Beach Walk taken fTom a point, at Poster avenue and the Lake photografhed. by Alta. B. Hepp, 410 South Michigan avenue, Chica go. __ This night-tlme exposure is con- that wiHl be of especl-l interest t». students, atog the general read- er, *111 oàfi '"the Intoresting' The list meéludes the foflowing: XcDugaf-Inte rrtauve Reporting Smith-Wealth co Nattons Daniels--Southerner Discovers the South Mlexander-Coloid Chemistry Llvlngstone-Greek Genti and its Mean- ing to Us Childs-New Llght on the Most Ancient East flelaporte-Mesopotamia Quennell-Everyiday Things In Archale Greece Robinson-Everyday Lt! e ln Grec van Hook-Greek Lte. and Thàught Duckett-Gateway to the Mlddle Ages ýesson-sermofi ti an vit cetso sportsý is loi August Behold, Annourice Exams for eth trot Ci vil Seri ce Posta gti and The United States Civil -Service has announced open comrpetitive ex- h coin- atmnations for thre positions named Mrs. Lewis A. Tentler, 310 Cen avenue, has as her guests untila Labor Dey ber cousins, Miss 1 In 1The leson-se ,n the fnlwinff MIR~1OOF M3 Green ay1