Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Sep 1938, p. 10

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LI )ins. Harvy Lloyd of Chieago -SeiI attndant, and Adam Buchan- an ofEvanston Ù etebest man. Wettering and-his bride will beat. hom~e vaxuston. Ail-Star Coaches Get Testeof Swedish Food' J. Walter Nelson of the Nelson Laundry and Dry' Cleaning System of E'àvanston, and Wilmette enter- t.1ained the AHStar football coaches at a Smiotgasbord dinner Friday evenlng of Iast week at the Swedish club, Chicago. Kenneth L. "Tug" fWilson, director of Athletics at Sorthwestetn univêt'slty', was- toast- master. .In, additioxn toe McMillan. ý.Harry Kipke and Elmner Layden, several other outstanding coaches ~attended the dhrmer. Rudolph, Horky, 1140 Sheridan ~road, will be home the 'end of this week fromn Minocqua, where he has been for several days. He will leave in a lew weeks for Hanover, N. H., tocommence his junior year at, Miss Uuth eBraun Organ Postlude, *'.miaie" ......Rgr The Fourth Quarterly Conference wil) be .held tonlght (Tliursday) at 8 o'clock at the church. Dr. A. Turley Stephensfon, our district superintendent, wfl preside. Reports of the chureh's progress wl) be made, and it Is urged that those who, have reports te xnake wl)! have themi writing for this important meeting. A)! ofpur members are entitled to attend the Quarter)]' Conference. The Pastoral Relations commlttee has planned te foi- low the conference with a short social perlod in the Gulld room when the Rev. and Mrs. Thornburg and family wfll be the guests et honer. This 'social period wil begin at about 9 'clock. The T hird Annual Rock River Confer- once Summer Retreat wil)!b. held at Coliege Camp, Lae Geneva, next week, end. The Rev. Thprnburgwil)! speak at the Sunday evening service, All Meth- deg;tË, âté eliVIiëd to -attend --the cm-' ference. 8:15 a.ra.-ZarlY service. 9:15 a.m.--Service in Gernian; theq Bey. H. C. Rlichiter. 9:30 a.m.-lto Sunday schpol during the month of August. .10:40 a.m.-Preparatory, service; for Hô yCommunion. ila.m.-Main service, wlth, Holy Communion. At 8:15 and 11 :00 o'clock the sermon wlll be based on 2 CorinthianS 3:3, its theme belng: l"Living Letters of. Roc- ommendation." The church council meets, next Tues- day at 8 p.m. Sunday schoel and Bible classes will be resumned on September 11. The children's Christian education classes, lncluding the-confirination class, WillI have thieir Oirst meeting o Sept- ember 10. In Septembe r the Ladies' Aid society bas its meting on the second instead of the tinst Thutsday of the month. Aise the Junior Walther League mteets on the second instead of the first Frlday._ The ing of the fal season on Soptember 11. The line 'of thought to be tpllowed in Sunday's sermon can be indicated by this bit ef verse: We are writing a Gospel, A chapter each day, By the deéds that we de,, Bit the words that we say. It is then read by others, Whether faithless or true. Pray, what. lu the Gospel According te you? PotldeinF ........ . Roerts Victoria MeedMitry of Music The Woman'S society willi meet on Tëhu,sday afternoon of, this, week at 2 o'clock at. the church. Beginning Sunday mornlng, Septeniber 4, we wili resume our regular schedule. of services with Church school at 9:45 o'cleck and the worshlp service, at il o'clock. We invite you to learn wlth us i our Church sehool and to attend. our worshlp service. The Church couneil wil]! meet on Tues- day evening, September 6, at 8 o'clock. St. Augustine s Episcopal Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector. SurlLay, September 4, will be the, twelfth Sunday after Trinity. There wil) 1>e Holy Commnunionl at 8Sa. m. and Holy Commnion with serm~on at Il a. mi. 4fetSmdybe gte 4h.m4s ,Suday, In the tnonth, wlll be Corporate Com- mlunion. Sunday for both Boys' and Girls Communion leagues. The Church school wlll be open on the Sunday atter the opening of the public schools. There will b. choir practice for the voue rn1. WPivnv t 8 n'e1]k ini the PRUNCELY SIJITS PETITE DRESSES -- Àndantino ..-. . . Salomne another of his sertes of sermons entiied te Thee . ......... Roma "Summer Journeys in Bible Byways.." ank LaMetre . MY Seul is Services will be resumed in the Baptist. .d .......Stickles Church Sunday. September 11. -Grand .LacoixThree Tnjured When Car, Hindley and their daugh- Runs Wild and Hits Tree returu fromi a motor trie You cannot resist their -L AJ -il -land.1

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