Flood of Checks, First National Bank of Winn.tka Place to Go to Pay Up Thos.e 1937 Taxos For collection of the second install- ment of 1931 real estate taxes, in New Trier township, the office 'of Collector Sanborn Hale, in the Firat ' National Bank of Winnetka, will be open from September 31 to 24. As ha s often been pointed out. -money paid to the local collector wiil be distributed directly . nd nronntlv to the varieus taxing bod- Recht,'.Wilmeute pnysiv'un. Dr. Recht has been foilowing photography as a hobby for some time and has gained consider- able recognition for his excep- tional talent... He eompletes a trinity of pro- tessional men whose offices are located i the Brown building, Wilmette, ail of whom are first, rate amateur photographers. Il- lustrations of prize-winning work of Dr. Charles B. Blake, dentlst, have appeared on covers of this news-magazine at various inter- vals. Dr. Rufus B. StolP, phYSI- cian. also has won distinction as an accomplished photographér, adaressea w property uwners n followlng letter relative to the cause for floodèd basemnents during heavY rains, the object belng to ascertain their 'wishes regardlng the. con- struction' of a storni sewer Ila that part of the village ly ng east of Ridge road: -Prom, the many colýainitsrecelved it would appear that the. flooded condi- tion af basements throughoUt the viDge during the recent - torms constitutes a real menace ta health as well a5 b ,necc f thi ry suryceys made by -campe- ms indicate that it.wM !be instat! .throughout that parft east of Ridge road a storin a ta take care cf surfaCe water from dawn spoutÉ, vlng the load an the sani- baërd of Education PmdsdetS g.sFederal Aïd po Consd.red The. proposition to erect a xnodeu elemeftary school building ob a ait owned by the Wilmetté bêiaod education in te Keullw*-arv= section ithe. extrem *oerthw. section of te village, *M b e prî sented to te board at lts openli meeting titis faIL . .Tds'inforrmationta containedi letter directed to Supt. J. R. Harpel V..T Mm.Ao4 raidaêgnit*à these payments. Set Penalty Dates The penalty date on the first in- stailment o! the 1937 real estate and the personal property tax was June 1, 1938. If you have not paid your first instailment o! real estate tax, or your personal property tax, add 3 per cent, up to Septemnber 1, and thereater, add 4 per cent up to ~October 1. the persoixai property tax, should be draWn in favor oi G. Lindheimder, county colleý ail payments on second inst should b. made to Sanboi towxn collector, he said. 1Anueunce Hours For collection'o! the se, Imagazine of roa« circulation. Ra ilroad Strike Factions Are long, ai. to augiat the ho)pe that mke tùs rolect It is stated that the union, is now ' w ini- preparing to pay strike beriefits t pi .Ithose members of the Am~agamated se~