changes were to corne about, they would flot take place s1multaneoualy i ail villages bécause ýphysical equipmnent would ýnot be available In ail villages at~ the'same time. Presumably Glencoe would be tinat prepared to take over. At present there aire about 80 Glencoe ninth grade pupils registered at New Trier. Second, probably, would be Wlnnetka, wbose ninth grade con- tîngent numbers about 175 pupils. Wilm~ette probably would be last, if it did not insist upon a separate high scliool for four years. ProbIem at Itgh ScbI. But back of all this is the officiai position of. the board of education of Miss Mtchells assistants this year wiU be Mrs. Howard Heaton, who assisted last year, and Mrs. John W. Shank of Lake Forest. Mrs. Shank reelved lier training at Western State Teachers college, Kalamazoo, Midi., and at North- western ttniverslty. 'From North- western she, holds .a bachelor of music education degree and a mas- ter of science degree. She lias liad ten years of ex- perience teachlng 'kindergarten and musici the selwols of Michigan, and, has extensive experience in worklns with -pre-school cëhildren. awarded by the entertainmeifl corn- mittee. ,The entire dlnig room quarters, of the Ehngate ýclub, as well, as outdoor space -wIll be pro- vided for the swing tans as .tliey *"tear it dw"until the wee h lourls of the dawn. The ail-day festival will mark the innual reunion of frlends mnd sup- porters of County Commissioner Wil- liam Erlckson of Evanston usually held durig the first weelc atter Lab- or day. Festivities at the outing will start in tiec morning with golting at two golf clubs, softball, liorsesioes, afid other events. Dinner wil beh served in thé evening,. while enter- taininent trom tour niglit clubs willl thihk For high the to This Home Complete VW'ùA IGOt. Lot 90 Telephon. >OfRic io MI où