A new fail succase that i. sw.eping thie towu ... Plmtfonu oh... ..They're comnfortahle es welI as smart and new . Idei for campus, bumess snd sports.. Wieboldt '8 Kindergarten Sehool inieShe W. have a compI.te: fal stock just i tilDe for sohool. You con bc assurd that Kindorgurten shoes have the corrct support for growing fçet, and costructed of oid bctiir . . . Offmrd et a very thrifty Wieboldt prico. Prieed Aecordig t Size and Style From Infants to Growlng Girls 2t68,t. 12 3 ie 8!/ te, 12 Sizes >7 f" 3.5 Sa *26 6!/2 t. 8 12V2 to 3 12V2 to$27 ze $34 szs 3 -65 Junior Misses SIzM-13Y2 to 8 ........ $3.85 Ail Osr $4,., Art FUied by X.rqy WlIEEOLD"Tes, Annual Sale of KenWood BLANKETs loi