"GBHBN SIEHEII Go back home! Ou a. rcent aternoon a man en, Shore shop, the. proprietor of whic of GermaLny, but now a natura im citiÈen. The stranger began coi statlng that he had recently coxr from Gerrnany, went into a spasi asm and great detail i explainini of the. Nazi.regimne, and adroitly suabject of the "IlBund" an orgail edly actî,inli prmoting Naziisir tri'.. and finaliy asked the shopk Speaking of the relations between businez and government, the "I1ndustrial News Revievw has this to say:m M. "usiness men- certaiply don't want. to teq that goverrnment is their enemy.:This breac iteed Noth between governmnent and busines has bee îch is a native largely created by politîcians who, in recer ized American years, have* chastised the. many for- the shox nversation by comings, of the few. li business. ie to America "It is politicians who have passed legislatic hamsenthusi-an punishing business. It is po Smtofe eauis iticians who have saddled business wîth a ta kgtbatie burden that makes operations next to profltlet lupem many instances.- It is politiciens who hay uzaionrept-forced government into direct competition wil l'nthis coun- %.ri business. in certain fields, using to ,the flil of tax-1 ïand uimx Twenity tons of "blarney atonie" have been Id shipped to this cOuntr Y. Perhaps to replace the. e. quantities used i Washingtonl these past few 's Syears. Women are getting too darned smart-ýand el proficient. The Bendix air race1 fromn Los Angeles to, Cleveland was won by one of the species- en Jacqueline Cochrafi. Theý distance, e,043 miles., 'tthe lady's tilne. 8 hours 10 minutes., Sham e on you, men! )n The New Deal mnoves in mysterieus ways its >1- wonders to, perform. A recent> visitor in a Wil- ss mette home às the wife of a Wisconsin farmer, who had strange tales to. tell of tii.metiiods em-, th ployed by the district, representative of.! Hank i Wallace, who Insista upon insi stuig that farmers b- accept the more abundant lite, whether they want it or not. Appearing at the farm one day 'It is not Swith governxi P business and d ineans to an ple who owxîe here from other do not wish to become an Amn- oi What you want is to maire rie kind of. a couîntry you came Sour form o! goverfiîTeft, ixto f dictatorship you left behuid.- aitted faults, tiiere > no ther duty to 'make 'peace' ermnent exists to serve idual. Qovermnent is a an end i itself. Gov- ly off the. fruits of busi- rue nuvDose is tn net as of rel Next. ScHooL DAYS lay will usher ithe, new school ig together teachers and pupils wiio as fld-the - ewoft. The 4amerrpi4.d that he tiiought the rye was ail rigiitand would corne along with the season, although the. crop might be a little short of normal. "Why don't you plow it under?" asked the. AAA man. 'Plow it. undet~?" roared the farmer. "Wiiy should 1 piow it under?" "WeUl," said the. New Dealer for revenue only, -Tiie government wiil give you $15 an acre for plowing At under, and that is more than you wiil get. if you harvest the cro)' ""Oh" said the farmer. "that's differ- vation?" iie inquired. ",Oh," said the fermer, -l don't need it. 1 have plenty of lantd witiiout it." "But," said the agricultural excpert., "you kxiow the government will pay you $16 an acre if you take out the stumps axid cultivate the. lanid.". Again the fermer, though somewiiet sur- prised, said: "That's very. different. 0f course V'II clear it and cultivate it." If you have wordg Wben is a purge not a purge? Whuen it doegn't *ork, FDR wIU te» you. TM tPNANTOM REPORTER. na becwr urgingi m~entone yk-to c sainie. 9 up.. ke"r