ti.Arii r emil ofEvans- toul, It e aimnnnicharge of tbhéorwm for tuhe i.Wom- M.%' Amagteur chauupionship of thle Unîted States Golf asso- atioui wbih will be beld at West- morelaid Country club Septem- ber 19 toi 24, bas been formimg varlauscoemrmttees nm recent weeks and auisting with plans for soial activities whieh will 'b. a part ofthte bospitality ex- tended te tthe guests. A dmoedunee *iM b. given by tlm " hé members, and contest-, oymre. C . -zIMmitsn - - uvenue Delbnuuncy.loMm s Tmminu. Who bhas been prommenmtly identifl.ed with the figbt agaid t fe narcofie men- ame began ber work lin 1914, and is IIow chahiman of the Midwest Con- tere. eon Narcoies, andis aalso a- member Lof a national prolibition association. Mrs. Timnimswbo does goveru- nient work in aniu~tariums. bas been broadcasting anl summer from radio station WIP. Mii A.G.Bloom is presidemut oft the Wman'ssociety for this year; Mrs. C. C, Heuiderson is first vice- president for foreiaiu missions; Mn. Mrs. Lloyd Faxion of Wtnnetka will open tfallaU eries of book reviews sponsored by -the Wom- an's guild o!f the Wilmette Par-. 1mb lethodat churci> on fridayv, September 16, at 10 oWeloet in, the morning ini the Great hall of the Educational building. ,ýý1 ICnown to the North Shore boo k lovers for ber splendid reudingsfr oxn current literature given belère clubs and llterary gpoup lrMm Faxon is particularly well fltted to introduce this varied and interesting series of revlews. "TPaimyI Kemble," by Margaret Arm- strong 1, the- book to b. reviewe& by *Norpian is secretary of miii nerL L-Ms. tiom .and Mrs. F. IH i botel ne- secretary of literary aion. and rs. C. M.~ non-fiction books in Miis. Ellott West bas been in charge Mf programs, anc Joseph Corcoran in servi chauimn» of the entertainmeix ras coul- ze-presi- record- cou~ntry. Thornburg FamiIy Is Honored ai Receptii Ail woinen of bhe village are in- vited to take advantage of this in- teUectual treat. On September 2.3. Ann Birk Kuper of Chicago will present the modernized stage version of the old favorite, "P>ride and Pre- judice,"' said to b. Norma Shearers mn- next vehicle.-A, H. WILMRT'ri L!PB The i Juniors fo found ian a. It is non-