dGi - I Fj V"n WMd UtstVYfr,* et n.m L.mwa Pyket . PO - av 1 lie mmrn a - -uhoee wbaron a à i epaud '.ore&- - vk w îM . b, Cai e U _g sehmâ lW I- wR b. ànte. ue- la l 4d h ht c. n is. IF. EL Plk. wief l4<e p cectt et amat Edce ?. e ft sr.. cd etM te g aiÉm are lMia- imr4 Vy BamàaiuM et 4<Evu- tou- Mma Aribur Oh.m »Marem Pkttr ࣠Park Ridge, - asre;Mus BRoe Reu «d iCkam ,reordig smrery, and Mm .Dwin Yoie etViU- Mete c - ýfsecreal. A number of partie« hmsbeen giveti for Misn Isabel Easkln be- fore ber marriage to Leis C. .Strykér wùhrtakeo.place Sat-.ý urday evening, September. 10, at . 8:30 gWcloek unià.,be Wilet Par*"h Methoediast Episcopal dhur&h Dr. Horace G. Smîtb, presidet 'c Garrett Biba>lun titute., wM lréat et service.1 Early in Muguut the entertaifng i bonor of Miss Haskim and.--ber' fiance began. Au"ua 11, Mnr. Ge orge Stryker et Nourvood Park gave a pot-. tey sbowe miandIN.esay evening. foflowig Miss Dorothy Karnes- of W-hmet*a trtained at a' kïtehen. av~, lnb. -àlo x ecendy aehmu- e< * t emyoes i Libeiai lb. mmpmoWm fer a wedihsg tnp k ioeti Wboiah b.and b-s la e w .OSir )home i a e u a t a tass of bie m e riewilh rewy. an treue. & at 1261 L26, at the Thaleg, ber Bates, bad of the lMiss e past at the >the First etka - wbo 28s ervifl Evanstiga - IH. took the meurber rat 9 o'ioek. Part-y for a ride on~ ini is cruiser, the. 1 ire was wurn Cr blle vel1 m cif Wmn- an uslier- the bridai Michigan ~R. WILMBTTELF