1fmdr Im MN i nF %MI* omsu, lg âoizl Mdte gou tg â1u -:Mba su*rV - I bG mGadreu en- b.i rge- The N4orth Short uaiary of the .Chicago Maternity. oenter WinJ start its sewing groups wth the- first meeting at the borneý of Mrs, Ralph Kramer, 627 Clintoei plce Eanston oni MOeda'y. Septeber 2.This 5îs r Thomas J. Wakeleflds group and Mrs. Wakefield wMflaist <rs. Kramer, as co-hostess oni that day. Mrs. Ford's group wIIr~~ September 14,., The members of the ra.1kr are dîvided into six ot tbese oewmng grciups whose .function is pracflcal as well as sociaIL 'Ie gr- meet one day a noeth aitht nrn-i ~~mu Tho f& r, e ior sele ber cc-chaurman.. Ihis m Hamptons objective to comeie more ilian one-tboeisand baby gar- ments ibis coming year- Tc se as chairmen of these groffl the foilowing women bave heem appomni- ed by Mrs. Blazpton: NM.mfrled Gansberg. Mn. Miward W- Ford- Mis J~w S*~ E I INe fiat ini a w ES moed1b Frkmsl of Cic WD lbe givn W 12 at 10 o'clock iOr . cUQQl rOctober norning ai Las. Flint. whose responsibility is to supply the. eut garments- While thecoem- mittee meets only a few 1 esa year it spends a great deal ofUrne preparing material to be distriuted amnong the sewing groups- 31misW. E. Maurer of KenuIwth is the chairman of ibis cqumaritee.. The WILt4STTS LIPS ime,