* endeavor to moia an eleven ýto cope with. a heavy schedule which in- éludes non-conference games wlth Kaânsas. State,ý Drake and Njotre Dame, together wlth five contérence opponents*, Ohio State, Ilinois, Min- n»esota, Wlstonsln, and Mlohigan.. Nee4d Bcheell Strength6 The bigest problem cônfronting, the coachlng staff ls developing players for the. left hait back and quarter back poitions which were 1et open by the graduation of last year' s stars, Don Heap and Fred Vanzo. The other backfield positions will probably' be manned by return- ing regulars. While the backfield offers major. LN- .U. Sport Shorts. st. John's Military academy et Delafleld, Wis., bas. had at least one representative on Nqorthwestern uniý. veritY's football tearn every year since 1929. The latest product of the academýyto seek a Position on the eleven is Francis Purteil, sopho- more fulback 'whose home is i Milwaukee, Wla. Purteil who la 6 feet tal and weighs 185 pounds la expected to see considerable action. In addition to being a good bail car- rier, he, is a better than- average kicker. Trying to succeed Fred Vanzo at the blocklng quarterback position on Nortliwestern'u football tearn Wlaa btig tasik but Nlck (Zeke) Conteas, 217 Pound junior, believes ho la, equal to It. Nlck, who bala frofli Waukegan, saw consîderable service as Vanzo's underatudy last yeai an~d proved that.ho la a capable blocker and good defensive player. J. C. Slowns Home From Motor Journey in Eaett Mr. land Mrs. J. C. Slown, 1520 Washlngton avenue, thefr twe chil- dren, Susün and Jack, and Mns. Slown'a parents. Mr. and Mn.,. John from end tw end. *11 to a rugged forwardm which the Wldcats1 ago when they won~ four games. Have Experienci Although bereftc Vanzo, the, Wildcats group ot experienceÈ and lo I Backs Heap and sill~ have a backs. Jav knaman, a 200pound junior, cata-1 pulted into prominence Iast yea; when lie s arred against Minnesota.c A tip off that he lUkes tough competi- 1 For i the Wl Ryan, a ju his sop3hoi fullback.1 the 1937 sq lett half, left hait, key pos ition rat backfteld is Jacki Dr, who served most of re apprenticeship a t the closing stages of son he was shifted to ied o! the shadow of e lu expected to corne this fail. Besides his gho is a good passer have ex- '.4 4 busmnes.. 1~ I 'fi .If~ Il I , 1.