- à à --0 A I.. Amui=-$5 a.d K*Gn fo» rhidom, and i Nw efl w 4M *eper"od'W17n5 anit 170- 3 Te d7 - M»î«stSey fcolow5 ImUe *tummet Mthe Wat~apros-1 PC.,. 1(v ew tk ùfall-ODa& É ¶pari euar, d sam, wyatt and bis -U xm-me- tal& ms wÊhsb UMe tamIJy damalibi-n e largr divsn im rne ýwcomtry as. va" Upecdade- 'ibe mas spectale of a peoPle in ilbe Ibruof %M w. mith intimate glimp o l ay lhomes . Ie e IsWaumhjgtO5 foiorn regsm0ilts. Ure eXP1ioit spes.-wtbinUrne lÈses - h thj&the du-ad oflthe narm- lu - word of Barris, lthe author. -sias bor seftra iUiM AIthlie age IsVersa a becam wil hmparents ma.utmiI from Harvard i ifAfi.t to 10 WOfl a a s 801h ofthme ver varioUS ac in .9fashion.be New gngland tfam- lyý: nt: breedilg -and backgro'nd, meets-the standardsof many Mt ber oth e r 1avorites, and lias been ap- peaifl enstently of late on best seller ligts. For those .who favor mystery stor- les, it Io recommended. For those, who can't stand continued suspense, and higli tension content,.,The WaUl la pure poison. A ftmmier C..my Ail the glamour of Ide, as it is lived by New York socîety li a suin- mer coloiiy 18 theire to provide a, luxurîous and elegant settmng'. An unscrupuloUS and, lrresistibly attrac- tive womnan-a blond. of course-xs the, center of the love and murder interest. And the story iu told in thie firs.pero y, an inteffigent and lllkable bachelor gfrl,? a memnb& 6f the society fýSmily involved- Pearis and diamoinds. cocktail -parties, yachts, ineticuloiisly serv- ed meals, a country estate. motor cars-everything is tnere to pick the reader up out of. drab everyday routine and set him down li the itl midst of luxury. r-~ A air-Balser c-Add to, this several murders. li- ris that i=Cr-. Wi scale models coverha, e field of uixaspor- %,i Clemence Dane She lias tried hg Drofe'ssiofls and mi ilish, but certainly lier repeated. cesses point to the fact thsat she ýws the value of economy.. Go- directly to the point. using sim- language and eliminating ail the essentials of the plot. she ,son a ripping good show. Char- er developrnent is handled un- tally weUl for this type of fiction: 1 ninfiîi ramifications of divorce r new novel, wMi be p u Y. Dagan on nces wihour i e found. here.