Mrs. R. A. Wheelock took out the permidt. for the resgidence which is loeatçd at. 2142 Chestnut âtre et., It lu twvo, tories, of brick veneer con-, struction and com-prises six rooms: and an attached garage. The -esti- muated cot 18 $13,500- Robert S. Arnold of Wilmette i8 the arcbitec t. nhe two permits for alteration jobs were isgsued to B. E. Beck, 1101 flUnois. road, and J. A. Saville, 216 Fourth street. The former is for work on a residence and costing s2,500, and the Iatter lu a, garage, alteration. costirg $150. The two garages, each costing $400,- are being builtby W. Schult- hies, 1514 Washingtonl avenue and Mrs. Bertha Olander, 1245 Maple OwFU Is purposs BUILDS An ExPlauet of New Eog mmd ~fr&.'~S~~t*4fiU.,r r P I for, 1