Golfing, aànd Many Other Inteèrée ing Events Plannod for, Villagers atOuting Every resident of KeilWorth as Weil as every mreber of the Kenfil- worth club has been invited le at- tend the l2th annual Kenilworth field day, le be held at the flllnols Golf club on Friday afternoon and evéning of next week. .Golfers, according tle the, pro- gram, wiil tee off from i1.o'clock on while the field sports for 'the non-golf ers wiIl start at 2 o'clock More than twenty-five local stores and shops WIflparticipateý in what promises to be the great- est bargaln-giving enterprise ever attempted here. A special Chamber of Com- inierce advertising section, to be distributed throughout the vil- lage next Tuesday, will. give com- plete information about. the seil- ing evets-the big bargains and where to find them. ]RAVE 1ENOLM HVISITO Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, G., Creagh, for the Iènext few, weeko beglnniug Sunday, it wBs announced yester- day. Dr. Helmas, preacher, lecturer, and world traveler, was pastor for 12 years of the largeaI Methodlat church lu the world, the First M. E. church of Los Angeles, built and paid for during his pastorale. "The pastoral relations commit- tee, consisting of Arthur L. Fuller, Raymond Kimbeil, Harry Monds, Thomas West, and Hlorace 'Young feels privileged to present to the community-a man of this calibre durlng the luterval before the ap- pomtrnent of a pastor 'for thi charge," the announcement con- 7,200 Voungifers- to Treep Sack to Classei s; Ui$" e of Teach. ers Meetings ',Five major public-sehool "stems ln New Trier township wmn opeti their doors next Monday mornlng le 7,200 pupila. NEW TBEER Townsip Xg: ichool, wlth an enroliment estimat- ed at 2,600 wlll begin the semester- wlth student meetings, fresbmen la the'audlitorium and unner classme& sday from Fort Ai ['hei nuew home' is avenue. iar for S afety of d'N i - A - - - 0- D5s: Eluier ya.d r complea inte grades Nygard ~ school and wil now eutE )ni and attendance: lHarry Olin, school are much Concei ; Pete Sears, Mian Gilbert, provisions for the safet le 'La Chapelle. Art Wakeley, youngsters whlle going to lions: Wlbert Chapman, Doug. that school. s, Ralph Blanm. It is pointed out that Virginla Little, Caroline EU;s-. ately thirty nupils of th y of th and froi diucusi 4* - - >55 I.UeIU iwice aci ions are.'said tl e i ricar ox A A O