Pearson,. 117 Dupee. place,. and MiSs Loùise Ward of Evanston spent Labor day week-end at Lake Lawn, Delavan, Ws.. WUICI FOOT RELIEF For sme tired, blistered, ach- mg feet, asic yur druggit for OIL f honors in~ the North Shore iea5iAe. On the day previolus, FeUl's had beaten Schaefer's, 5-4, wlth a last- inning rally. Schaefer'5 has been figured to battle it out with the Ferraro.outflt. But Timnble Harris, rushed into the box as a relief pitcher in the seventh, .was unable to stop FeUl's. Al Noccolazzi had bushels. of speed when hé hurled Ferraro'5in- to the title spot Monday. He had be-, hind him suich players as Stu Lie- ber, flist base, Waddy Paletti, Wedo Sebben, and Goog Dahl at second, third, and short stop positions -re-- spectively; i the outfleld Bm. làhn ~Pawvrllo. and Jack ,are flot gatliered on one team iessens ue chantce for a local wînner., K. of C. Teamn Wins> Challenge Game from 1Beyrer Electric Nine Several weeks ago the Knlghtu cf Columbus team, champions of the Wilmette Slow Pitchlng Bof tball league, issued 'a challenge iW- MEm TE , off ering to, play anyr team i>Wilmette. "hschallenge was accepted .by th e * strong Beyrert Electric teamn and game was played last Thursday night at Village Close to 100 spectators ils game and the result. ced the spectators that ; f Columbus are cf ip calibre. Box score ke foflows: Beyrer BeNctrie BIIR ABHR 37 17 8 .312 4 ýe Knights of Columbus team won the North Shore division f C. league title by winning 9 es and losing 2, but lost out i emi-finals now being played for npionship of Cook county. ie K. of! C. challenge~ also bas I PLANT