sorne IiIiG wncn wilU De aesigned to regulate corruption in party primar- ies. What the committee wiIl recomn- miend and what the PresidenVs at- titude will be on the particular rec- ommendation we do not know. The committee ha: made it clear that it has been shocked with what its in-, vesitgators have already found i connection with the use of the power of the Federal government and its employees ini influericing the pri- .mary.results.. It is thus quite prob- able that the committee will recom- mènd some way to deal. with that situation, which it characterized as "dàeplorable." anieunt equal to 3 cents for each vote cast for~ the office at the pee- ceding election, with a, maximum ailowance of $25, 000 for a Senate caildidate and.$5,000 for.àa House candidate. Curb Prlmary Abuses It has no application in connec- tion with the primaries. Insofar as the Federal, Governrnent is con- cerned. there are no limitations to what a person seeking a party nomi- nation might expend or do to win votes. - However, it' should be said that Individual states have recog- nized pimary abuses and have laws seeking to 'curb questionable carn- paign methods. It may be that these state laws are inadeauate. but the DEL MAIZ N UBLETS 2 CAN S 5 2 pg<025C Cerf.. 61.38 LUX OR IVORY 'FLAKES . ILG. KG. 9cý IONË PEAZH!S SLICED or MALVES 2 940.P. %25C 11 SULTANA RED SALMON L136 CANM "c W'.". .1O-LB. cLoTH BAG47c PIKG. 39C ti wnien neI eIIaracterizeci asP-prpop litically immoral" That presents siblÈ another angle. sl Out of it ail the political issue are which is likely to arise is with. res- the pect to Federal regulation of party late orimaruie ithe vesneetive sates. t hé emnment -ies is by To be su AROUR-NED NP.....12-OZ. CAN 17c KRAFT COLD STREAM CHEESE 1W<IMM aL.,.position ma ris t0 As were 00LB. PKG. 13c