Conferences-of the management, begun immediately upon the NLRB. announcement, is expected, to re- suit in the receiver gom'ig into led- erai court to ask for further instruc-, tions. The NLRI3 based the postpone- ment of its decision on the absence of a ruiing by the Interstate Com- merce comm sion as to whether the road is a kommon carrier under, the railway r and retirement acts. This ruiing may not cone. for severai months. Counsel for the receixver stated that the postponement leaves. the situation just where it was before there was any hearlhg., Friday and Saturday, September 16th and 17t1,. Come in and view the most stunning display of new styles in snatmilliner'Y. Modela showing new work has5 JUst a new celar recri used for dacig has been rebuilt canary yeUlow am indirect lightingi tionn A nwrizuehas Bauer Family Comi Traier Trip to C Dr. and Mrs. W. W, Ba Washington avenue, Wilmel just returned from a thr trip tÔ Canada in their tri companied by their three FIRST CHRIST, SCIENTIST iCentral Avçnue -9:45 a.m. Letei.~a ~alm me1>Ms. Wrs. Paul Robertson, PI irman, has secured Dean Me-lbv iiieaù of the Rt'1 SEPTEmBER 18,,1938 Subgect: MATTER là13 3 Central A' orest avenue,